Server in the Enterprise

1. Your NT 3.51 network environment was upgraded to NT 4.0. Your network environment includes both NetWare 3.12 and 4.1x Srv:s. One of the reasons for upgrading was to provide your NT admins the capabilities of managing all users, within your companies network environment, from a single workstation. Which service would you implement to allow your NT admins the right to manage NetWare users?

E. Migration Tool for NetWare

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Answer: A

This NT add-on utility will allow a single network login for NetWare users. It will synchronize all NetWare clients across both NetWare 3.1x and NetWare 4.1x Servers.

2. A remote user calls the help desk stating that their NT 4.0 Wks is acting funny. Probing, they say it is slow and the screen flashes once in a while. How can you start diagnosing their computer without leaving the help desk? (Choose all that apply)

A. Use the Event Viewer to remotely examine the computer's event log.
B. Use the Performance Monitor's remote capabilities to troubleshoot for bottlenecks.
C. Use the NT 4.0 Diagnostics to document the remote computer's configuration.
D. Use the Network Monitor to access the remote network card and test for network configuration.
E. Use System Policy Editor to verify the remote users computer profile configuration.

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Answer: A, B & C

You can use these three management utilities remotely to troubleshoot remote computers. To check for excessive paging, add the Avg. Disk sec/Transfer (a physical disk counter) and Pages/sec counter values. If the product of these counters exceeds 0.1, then paging is taking more than 10 percent of disk access time and you should add more RAM.

3. The connection between the client and server portions of distributed applications allows data to flow in both directions. Interprocess Communication (IPC) Mechanisms provide several different ways to establish this type of connection. What are four of the different Interprocess Communication (IPC) Mechanisms provided by the NT 4.0 operating system?

A. Named Pipes and Mail Slots
B. Net BIOS and Windows Sockets
C. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) and the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
D. Data Link Control (DLC) and the Logical Link Control ( LLC)
E. Server Message Blocks (SMBs) and the Network Dynamic Data Exchange NetDDE

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Answer: A, B, C & E

DLC and LLC are not Interprocess Communication (IPC) Mechanisms provided by the NT operating system.

4. Your network environment includes NT 4.0, NetWare 3.12 and 4.1x Servers. You would like to implement DSMN. What features would you present to your manager to convince her that this DSMN implementation will be in the company's best interest? (Choose all that apply)

A. Centralized management of both the NetWare and NT 4.0 clients
B. The ease of merging NetWare single and multiple client accounts into a single client login for all clients into the network environment
C. The ability to migrate all of the NetWare clients, groups, files, and directories on to the NT 4.0 Domain Controller
D. Synchronize NetWare accounts changes made on the NT 4.0 Server back to the NetWare Server
E. All NT/ NetWare Compatible accounts are bound by the NT 4.0 Account Policy

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Answer: A, B, D & E

DSMN allows administrators to copy NetWare 2.x and 3.x user accounts to the NT PDC directory database. Accounts that are moved are copied to the PDC and become NT Server NetWare-compatible accounts and they assume the account policy of the NT Server domain.

5. When monitoring TCP/IP protocols, which three statements apply?

A. DNS resolves the host name to an IP address.
B. WINS resolves the host name to an IP address.
C. WSINS resolves a NetBIOS name to an IP address.
D. DHCP assigns IP addresses to computers.
E. DNS and WINS resolve MAC addresses.

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Answer: A, C & D

Correct responses are definitional of the service. ARP is used to resolve MAC addresses. Note that HOSTS files, used with DNS, use FQDNs.

6. You manually configure your new computer for TCP/IP. You start checking the connection with PING. Everything is OK on your local network but you have no access to any remote hosts. What is the problem and how can you repair it?

A. Check the Server Manager for Server error messages. Start the Server Services, which will also start the Network Services. This allows the TCP/IP protocol to function properly.
B. Check the User Manager for Domains to see if you have been added to the TCP/IP network. Then, add your user address and computer address to the domain server.
C. Recheck the Control Panel, Network icon, TCP/IP Protocol properties and replace or add the correct gateway address. Then, recheck with PING.
D. Go back to the vendor and obtain a remote TCP/IP driver for your NIC. Install the NIC driver, reboot the computer and test with PING.

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Answer: C

If you can use PING to reach a remote host (across a router) then everything is probably working okay. Ping is a tool that helps to verify IP-level connectivity by sending an ICMP echo request to a target host name or IP number. Use it to verify that a host computer can connect to the network and isolate hardware problems. If you cannot ping successfully check to see if the computer was restarted after installing TCP/IP and that the IP address is valid. Also check to see that IP routing is enabled and the link between routers is operational if trying to ping a remote host.

7. You have installed TCP/IP as your network protocol. You are having problems communicating across the network. Which NT 4.0 diagnostic utility can you use to determine if a specific host is available?

A. Route
B. Packet InterNet Groper
C. File Transfer Protocol
D. Remote Shell
E. Internet Explorer

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Answer: B

This utility is a diagnostic tool that is used to test TCP/IP connection failures.

8. You are using PING to test a connection across your TCP/IP network. Which of the following answers do you receive if the test is successful?

A. Reply from IP _ Address
B. Reply from Default _ Address
C. Reply from Gateway _ Address
D. Reply from Subnet _ Address
E. Reply from Internal _ Address

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Answer: A

The default successful response from a PING query is this reply message four times.

9. What do you use to control various aspects of synchronization and network performance?

A. The Synchronization Wizard.
B. Control Panel | Synchronization.
C. The Registry.
D. Synchronization is built-in and uncontrollable.

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Answer: C

The registry can be used to control various aspects of synchronization and network performance.

10. The PDC sends a message announcing a change in the directory services database to which computers?

A. To all BDCs.
B. To all BDCs in the domain.
C. To all BDCs in the domain that need the changes.
D. Only to the other domain PDCs that also maintain copies of the directory services database.

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Answer: C

Synchronization occurs when the PDC sends changes in directory services that have occurred since the last synchronization. The PDC keeps track of the synchronization level of all BDCs and controls the rate of partial synchronization.

11. You are receiving complaints of extremely slow network response. How would you increase performance of replication across slow links?

A. Configure the NetLogon service to synchronize only during business hours.
B. Adjust the size of call buffers in the ReplicationGovernor.
C. Decrease the amount of entries in the change log.
D. Set a value of zero in the Replication Governor parameter on the BDC.

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Answer: B

Adjusting the ReplicationGovernor is important because for each NT 4.0 BDC, the ReplicationGovernor defines the size of the data transferred on each call to the PDC and the frequency of those calls. Care must be taken in setting this value since if the ReplicationGovernor is too low synchronization may never complete. You can also adjust the amount of data being replicated by configuring the ReplicationGovernor on the BDCs to increase the amount of time required to complete the process and the number of changes that may be in the change log, e.g., change it to 50.

12. What is the effect of reducing the amount of data being replicated in the ReplicationGovernor of the BDC?

A. Increases call frequency.
B. Increases synchronization calls.
C. Increases the amount of time required to complete replication.
D. Decreases the number of changes in the change log.

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Answer: C

It will also increase the number of changes that may be in the change log. Make sure that you have a large enough value for the change log size so that the change log does not wrap or begin to overwrite entries that a BDC may not have had time to receive.

13. The effect of slow links on BDC operation is a consideration in determining the location for account logons and the volume of synchronization traffic across WAN. What's the possible result of placing a BDC (for account logons) at a remote site rather than alongside its PDC?

A. Synchronization will not be a traffic problem but logons could be a problem.
B. Logons will not be a traffic problem but synchronization could be a problem.
C. Logons will not be a traffic problem and synchronization will not be a problem.
D. Logons and synchronization could be a problem.

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Answer: B

The amount of bandwidth of the WAN link, used for synchronization of the Folder Services database between the PDC and BDC, determines the placement of BDCs at the location.

14. Network Monitor can be used to track what type of data? (Choose all that apply)

A. Number of network packets transmitted per second.
B. Size of packets.
C. Percentage of processor utilization.
D. Number of broadcasts.

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Answer: B & D

The Network Monitor Agent can capture transmitted packets, and display network statistics. To use network performance counters in Performance Monitor, the Network Monitor Agent must be installed.

15. Performance Monitor measures the behaviour of objects that represent threads and processes, sections of shared memory and physical devices. What object represents a running program?

A. Objects
B. System
C. Processor
D. Process

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Answer: D

A process is a program loaded into memory.

16. What would you do to help determine network bottlenecks? (Choose all that apply)

A. Use Performance Monitor to actively monitor network segment counters.
B. Add the Network Monitor Agent.
C. Add an additional network adapter.
D. Add the SNMP service when using a TCP/IP host.

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Answer: A, B & D

Network bottlenecks are one of the more difficult areas to monitor due to the complexity of most networks. Determining which objects and counters to monitor depends upon the environment. Begin with some of the counters for Server, Network Segment and Network Interface.

17. What service on BDC's is used to synchronize the user accounts database with the PDC?

C. NetLogon
D. BDCsynch

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Answer: C

NT 4.0 uses the NetLogon service on BDCs to provide for user account validation, trust support, domain membership and to synchronize the user accounts databases with the PDC. If it fails to start, it will be unable to provide any of its services to other domain controllers or to users.

18. What are the characteristics of the ReplicationGovernor NetLogon parameter? (Choose all that apply)

A. Controls percentage of network bandwidth used by the NetLogon service during synchronization.
B. Defaults to 128K buffer.
C. Generally set lower than 25% to reduce network synchronization traffic.
D. Can be customized with the ReplicationGovernor Wizard.

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Answer: A & B

ReplicationGovernor is the most commonly modified NetLogon parameter and controls the percentage of network bandwidth that the NetLogon service can use while synchronizing user accounts. The default value is 100% of the bandwidth and can be changed, for example, to a value of 50, whereby the NetLogon service will only buffer 50 percent as much data (64 KB) for transmission, and only have synchronization messages on the network 50 % of the time. It is recommended by Microsoft to never set it lower than 25.

19. What does the pulse NetLogon parameter do?

A. It sets how often the PDC looks for changes to directory services database and sends synchronization to all BDC's.
B. It sets how often the PDC looks for changes to directory services database and sends synchronization to BDC's needing updates.
C. It sets how often the PDC looks for changes to directory services database and sends synchronization to PDCs needing updates.
D. It sets how often the PDC sends a pulse to each BDC.

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Answer: B

It sets how often the PDC looks for changes to directory services database and sends synchronization to BDC's needing updates.

20. What does the PulseConcurrency NetLogon parameter do?

A. It sets how often the PDC looks for changes to directory services database and sends synchronization to BDC's needing updates.
B. It sets how often the PDC looks for changes to directory services database and sends synchronization to all BDC's.
C. It sets the number of BDC's that the PDC simultaneously sends announcements to when a synchronization event occurs.
D. It sets the number of BDC's that simultaneously send announcements to the PDC when a synchronization event occurs.

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Answer: C

The Pulse Concurrency is set on the PDC to control the number of BDCs that are sent announcements when a synchronization event occurs. A lower number spreads the synchronization out over a longer period of time and decreases the amount of network bandwidth for user accounts database synchronization.

21. Name the best tool to use to gain information on an individual service generation of network traffic.

A. Network Monitor
B. Performance Monitor
C. Task Manager
D. Network Monitor Agent

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Answer: A

The use of a network traffic analyzer, such as Microsoft Network Monitor, to capture and display traffic can provide much more detailed information than Performance Monitor.

22. What would you do to reduce the number of browsers?

A. Eliminate unused protocols.
B. Disable the server component on computers that do not require sharing of resources.
C. Edit the Registry.
D. Use the Browser Wizard.

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Answer: C

The MaintainServerList parameter must be appropriately configured on machines that are not to meant to Windows browser elections.

23. How do you prevent the export server from replicating directories?

A. Add "Lock in the Directory Replication" dialog box under "Export Directories".
B. Enable the WaitUntilStabilized option.
C. Disable the "Directory Replication" dialog box replication option under "Export Directories".

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Answer: A

Locks can be set in place so that Directory Replication can be temporarily be disabled for Administrator activities to take place. More than one lock may exist simultaneously in the event more than one administrator is performing maintenance.

24. What command would you enter at a command prompt to manually force a DHCP address renewal?

D. The only way to renew a DHCP address is by restarting the computer.

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Answer: C

Restarting does renew, but is not the only way.

25. You have installed Windows NT 4.0 Server and the latest service pack in order to use the latest version of Internet Information Server. Your task is to create seven departmental Web Sites all on one computer. How will you assign IP addresses? (Choose all that apply)

A. Assign one IP address to the network adapter card.
B. Assign seven IP addresses to a single network adapter card.
C. Create a home folder for each Web Site.
D. Create a home folder and enter an IP address for each virtual directory.

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Answer: B & D

All IP addresses can be assigned to one card (or multiple cards). Then, assign a home directory (for the Web Site) to that address in Directory Properties, Virtual Desktop, and enter the IP address.

26. Your objective is to configure a NT Server to use DNS. You have a static IP address for access to the Confucius domain. You now want to set up DNS so users can access both the Confucius LAN and the Internet. How do you configure DNS?

A. Enter the name of your computer and the domain name. Then enter DNS service and "Domain Suffix Search Order" addresses.
B. Enter your computer name as the "Host Name" and the Company's name on the Internet for the Domain. Then enter "DNS Service" and "Domain Suffix Search Order" addresses.
C. Use the WINS Address tab to enable "DNS for Windows Resolution" box.
D. Leave the Host Name and Domain entries blank. Then enter "DNS Service" and "Domain Suffix Search Order" addresses.

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Answer: B

Entries are made under the DNS tab for Microsoft TCP/IP Properties.

27. Your latest assignment is to configure static mappings for clients that are non-WINS enabled. You are setting up a client computer that has no modem. You want to use a static TCP/IP address and DNS for access to the LAN and the internet. What entries must be made under Microsoft TCP/IP properties?

A. Host Name, Domain and the IP address of the DNS server for the Default Gateway.
B. Host Name, Subnet Mask and the IP address of the Web Server for the Default Gateway.
C. Select "Obtain an IP Address" from a DHCP Server.
D. Specify only the IP Address and the Subnet Mask.

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Answer: B

Host name, subnet mask and IP of the Web Server are required for the client computer.

28. After getting a fairly smooth NT 4.0 operation in your company, you are told to start examining fault tolerance options such as mirroring and disk striping with parity. You are also preparing to install some large databases where reads will occur much more often than writes. Your system has five IDE drives with the NT boot and system partitions on drive C. All of them have unpartitioned space. You are also dual-booting NT with MS-DOS for troubleshooting purposes, along with some old DOS games that you can't seem to give up. What fault tolerance method will work best for your existing system configuration?

A. A mirror set of the system partition and a stripe set on three other drives.
B. A stripe set with parity on the four non-system drives.
C. A mirror set of the system partition and a stripe set with parity of the three other drives.
D. A stripe set with parity using all five disks.

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Answer: D

Although the system and boot partitions cannot be on a stripe set with parity there is free space available on drive C, therefore, this will work best. Note, also that you cannot mirror your system partition if you need to dual-boot with MS-DOS.

29. Although DHCP does not normally have a huge impact on your network traffic you still want to optimize the traffic generated by DHCP. To optimize performance with DHCP traffic what two options would you select?

A. Increase the lease duration when there are many extra addresses.
B. Decrease the lease duration when extra addresses are in short supply.
C. Require non-simultaneous lease renewal.
D. Reconfigure the TTL.

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Answer: A & B

The entire process of acquiring an IP lease from DHCP takes four packets. On a fairly clean network this would take less than a second. Optimization can mean either increasing or decreasing lease durations depending upon how many addresses you have available.

30. Clients on one of your subnets that do not have DHCP servers need to access a DHCP server on another subnet. What is the first step to connect to DHCP service on another subnet?

A. Install the DHCP Relay Agent Service.
B. Configure a bootP relay agent.
C. Add an IP address to the bootP relay agent.
D. Install DHCP.

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Answer: A

Using Microsoft TCP/IP properties to add an address for the DHCP Relay Agent is the second step. The DHCP Relay Agent can then relay DHCP and BOOTP broadcast messages between a BOOTP/DHCP server and a client across an IP router.

31. What four features are supported by the Windows NT new technology file system (NTFS)?

A. Maximum theoretical partition size of 16 Exabytes
B. File compression
C. POSIX-application compatibility
D. Support for Macintosh files
E. Automatic defragmentation

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Answer: A, B, C & D

32. Your manager has asked you to recommend a desktop computer operating system for the companies upgrade program from Windows 3.1. The final decision is between Windows 95 and NT 4.0 Wks in a domain environment. The computers you have to work with are Pentium 133s with 8 MB of RAM and 3 GB hard disks. Your software consists of 32-bit applications that work on both operating systems. You have successfully tested the software on both operating systems for Internet dialout, file and folder sharing, and security on your P 166 with 32 MB RAM. Which Microsoft operating system would you recommend and why?

A. NT 4.0, because it has Advanced Power Management and Plug & Play features that are better than Windows 95.
B. Windows 95, because of its robust multitasking and broad mobility support.
C. NT 4.0, because it provides better security, performance, stability, and growth potential for the future.
D. Windows 95, because it provides better stability and greater growth potential for the future.
E. Windows 95 because of the hardware restrictions of the company's current computer.

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Answer: E

33. Your NT 4.0 Wks has seven 2 GB hard drives with varying amounts of free space available ranging from 100 MB to 150 MB. Which type of NT 4.0 partition setup can use all available free disk space?

A. Volume set
B. Stripe set
C. Stripe set with parity
D. Duplexed mirror set
E. Mirror set

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Answer: A

34. By default, the PDC computer will become the ______. It will collect and maintain the master list of available network resources, and pass this information to other browsers within the domain.

A. Domain Master Browser
B. Master Browser
C. Backup Browser
D. Potential Browser
E. Non-Browser

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Answer: A

35. By default, the ______ collects and maintains a list of available network resources and passes all of this information to other browser types within the domain. You will have this browser type on every subnet and workgroup within your environment.

A. Domain Master Browser
B. Backup Browser
C. Master Browser
D. Potential Browser
E. Non-Browser

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Answer: C

36. During a company presentation, you describe a particular browser found in the NT 4.0 environment. This type of browser receives a copy of the browse list from another browser type and then distributes this list to clients requesting it. Which NT 4.0 browser type have you just presented?

A. Master Browser
B. Backup Browser
C. Potential Browser
D. Non-Browser
E. Domain Master Browser

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Answer: B

37. A growing company has 15 offices in the Los Angeles area. Each local office manager appoints someone to purchase computer supplies and manage the network connectivity with the other offices. Every office currently has a NT 4.0 PDC installed, along with ten Windows 95 clients. Although some trusts do currently exist, not every office has the skills to manage the system requirements. If you implement a Master Domain Model, what will the users be able to do?

A. Users can logon from any Resource Domain, Windows 95 machine and can be validated by the Resource Domain PDC that has received a replicated copy of the Master Domain account database.
B. Users can logon from any Resource Domain, Windows 95 machine and are validated by the Master Domain PDC.
C. Only users that logon from Master Domain member machines can access resources in other domains.
D. Users can have a local account in the Resource Domain and logon to either the Resource Domain or their account in the Master Domain.

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Answer: B

38. A growing company has 15 offices in the Los Angeles area. Each local office manager appoints someone to purchase computer supplies and manage the network connectivity with the other offices. Every office currently has a Windows NT 4.0 PDC installed, along with (typically) ten Windows 95 clients. Although some trusts do currently exist, not every office has the skills to manage the system requirements. Knowing that each office suffers with frequent employee turnover and equipment changes, which domain model would you choose?

A. Master Domain Model; Put all accounts on one domain and make each office a resource domain.
B. Multiple Master Domain Model; Put accounts in several domains and make each office a resource domain.
C. Complete Trust Model; Leave each domain alone with its' own accounts and put trusts in place.
D. Single Domain at each facility - Users will RAS documents around and mail floppy disks.

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Answer: A

39. In a well-implemented NT 4.0 Directory Services environment, what four things can be accomplished by a user with appropriate permissions?

A. Log on to an enterprise network with only one account.
B. Cross domain boundaries.
C. Work in the network from one location.
D. Provide synchronization and partitioning of the directory services database.
E. Maintain only one account with multiple passwords.

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Answer: A, B, C & D

40. Bruce, a businessman whose home domain is in Texas, logs on while in Paris at a computer that is a member of the Paris resource domain. The Paris domain trusts the Texas domain. What will happen? (Choose all that apply)

A. The Paris PDC forwards the logon to the Texas PDC for validation.
B. The logon request is passed through the Paris domain, across the trust, and validated by the Texas domain where Bruce's account resides.
C. The use of only one account for validation does not require "pass-through authentication".
D. Bruce cannot logon while in Paris since the Texas domain does not trust the Paris domain.

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Answer: A & B

41. What are the recommended procedures to set up a one-way trust relationship? (Choose all that apply)

A. The administrator of the trusted domain adds the name of the resource domain in the Trusting Domains box.
B. The administrator in an account domain adds the name of a resource domain in the Trusted Domains box.
C. The administrator of the trusting domain completes the trust by adding the name of the account domain in the Trusted Domains box.
D. The administrator in the trusting domain completes the trust by adding the name of the account domain in the Trusting Domains box.

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Answer: A & C

42. What are two capabilities that apply to centralized administration?

A. When a trust has been established, the administrator of the trusted domain can administer a trusting domain.
B. A trusted domain administrator's account must be made a member of the Administrators group in the trusting domain for an administrator of the trusted domain to administer a trusting domain.
C. When a Windows NT 4.0 computer joins a domain, the Domain Admins group is automatically added to the local Administrators group on the computer.
D. After a Windows NT computer joins a domain, the administrator must add the Domain Admins group to the local Administrators group on the computer to allow any member of the Domain Admins group to administer any computer in the domain.

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Answer: B & C

43. What applet is required to be on a computer for the administrator to manage any user account from any computer on the network?

A. User Manager
B. Server Manager
C. Server Manager for Domains
D. User Manager for Domains

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Answer: D

44. Select four guidelines for implementing trusts relationships correctly.

A. Managing NT Directory Services can only be established between NT Server domains.
B. Physical location governs the trust relationship setup.
C. Use the fewest possible number of trusts.
D. Put user accounts in the trusted domain.
E. Pass-through authentication makes a user's physical location irrelevant.

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Answer: A, C, D & E

45. A large domain has 200 BDCs, all requiring replication of the user accounts database. One problem that has been noted is that too much PDC time is devoted to replication. This has become detrimental to the other tasks. The pulse has been made longer but the replication still consumes too much PDC time. What can you do to alleviate the problem?

A. Increase the Randomize setting so that all BDCs can respond.
B. Decrease the PulseConcurrency to reduce the load on the PDC.
C. Increase the ReplicationGovernor parameter.
D. Demote some of the BDCs to server status thereby eliminating the accounts database synchronization.

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Answer: B

46. Synchronization of the directory database means that when a user logs on, either a PDC or a BDC accomplishes all but ______

A. validating the logon process.
B. checking a copy of the directory database for the correct user account.
C. checking a copy of the directory database for the correct user password.
D. checking for any logon restrictions.
E. checking for account and password duplications.

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Answer: E

47. A user has two accounts--one in the Texas domain (Texas\Sal) and one in the California domain (California\Sal). The domains trust each other. Which two scenarios are correct?

A. When Sal logs on in the California domain and attempts to use a resource there, he is seen as California\Sal.
B. If permissions to the resource are assigned only to the account in the Texas domain when Sal logs on in the California domain, he will not be given access to the resource.
C. If permissions to the resource are assigned only to the account in the Texas domain when Sal logs on in the California domain, he will be given access to the resource because he is seen as the same user.
D. Since each domain trusts the other, Sal can log on in either domain and access resources regardless of permissions.

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Answer: A & B

48. Select two features that apply to Local accounts.

A. Support for interactive logon processes.
B. Capability to cross trusts.
C. Inability to support interactive logon processes.
D. Inability to cross trusts.

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Answer: C & D

49. Name three features of Managing Windows NT Directory Services?

A. A communications channel between two domains.
B. Centralized administration at the enterprise level.
C. A single logon to access any shared resource with properly established trusts.
D. Multiple domain accounts.
E. Hierarchical management of user accounts.

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Answer: A, B & C

50. Select three groups that are found on a NT 4.0 Server Domain Controller but not on a NT Member Server.

A. Server Operators
B. Power Users
C. Print Operators
D. Account Operators
E. Backup Operators

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Answer: A, C & D

51. Select the three groups that have the capability to shut down servers.

A. Server Operators
B. Print Operators
C. Backup Operators
D. Local Operators

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Answer: A, B & C

52. The NetLogon service is responsible for three functions that affect network performance. Select those functions.

A. Logon validation
B. Synchronization of BDCs with the PDC
C. Recognition of share permissions
D. Pass-through authentication
E. Workgroup access

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Answer: A, B & C

53. Which two instances will trigger pass-through authentication?

A. At initial logon when a user is logging on to a trusted domain
B. When connecting to a resource in a trusted domain
C. When connecting to a resource in a trusting domain
D. At initial logon when a user is logging on to a trusting domain

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Answer: A & C

54. Choose two of the following statements that best characterize setting up a two-way trust?

A. Separate boxes are displayed to distinguish one-way trusts from two-way trusts.
B. The same domain name appears in both boxes of the Trusted- and the Trusting Domain.
C. Establish a one-way trust. Then set up another one-way trust, but reverse the roles of trusted and trusting.
D. The admin in the trusted domain completes the two-way trust by adding the account domain and the resource domain to both sections in the Managing NT Directory Services dialog boxes.

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Answer: B & C

55. The Research domain trusts the Production domain. The Production domain trusts the Marketing domain. A user with an account in the Marketing domain attempts to log on while physically located in the Research domain. What two items will result?

A. The user logs on successfully because of pass-through authentication.
B. The user cannot log on because there is no pass-through authentication.
C. The user logs on successfully because of the one-user, one-account rule.
D. The user cannot log on because they do not have an account in the Research domain.

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Answer: B & D

56. Select three main reasons why you would implement a trust relationship.

A. Centralized administration
B. Centralized accounts and account management
C. Single logon capability
D. Multiple logon capability
E. Decentralized account administration in resource domains

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Answer: A, B & C

57. Why are SIDs important in establishing NT Directory Services?

A. Each domain in the trust requires a unique SID since all user account authentication is based on the account's SID.
B. Each user must have only one SID in each trusted domain.
C. Each domain in the trust shares a common SID since all user account authentication is based on a unique SID for each user account.

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Answer: A

58. Select two characteristics of the interaction between computers and domains.

A. Only users at NT based computers can select an account domain from those listed in the domains box.
B. NT 4.0 computers do not require pass-through validation.
C. A Windows 95 computer cannot have a computer account in the domain's directory database.
D. All client computers can have both computer and user accounts in the domain's directory database.

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Answer: A & C

59. The Single Domain Model is most appropriate for which two of the following situations?

A. The user base is less than 15,000 users.
B. The user base is less than 40,000 users.
C. There needs to be centralized administration of accounts and resources.
D. There needs to be centralized administration of accounts and decentralized administration of resources.

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Answer: B & C

60. Choose four disadvantages of the Single Domain Model?

A. Poor performance if the domain has too many users and groups for the hardware.
B. No grouping of users into departments.
C. No grouping of resources.
D. Local groups must be defined in each domain where they are to be used.
E. Browsing is slow if the domain has a large number of servers.

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Answer: A, B, C & E

61. Choose four features or benefits of using the Single Master Domain Model?

A. Multiple logon capability for each user account
B. Multiple domains
C. Centralized account administration
D. Decentralized resource administration
E. Single logon capability for each user account

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Answer: B, C, D & E

62. Choose three disadvantages of the Single Master Domain Model?

A. Poor performance results if the domain has too many users and groups for the hardware.
B. Local groups must be defined in each domain where they are to be used.
C. Global groups must be defined in each domain where they are to be used.
D. Local administrators of trusting domains rely on master domain administrators to supply current and secure global groups.
E. Local administrators of trusting domains rely on master domain administrators to supply current and secure local groups.

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Answer: A, B & D

63. Choose four advantages of the Single Master Domain Model?

A. Local groups need to be defined only once in the trusted domain.
B. It is the best choice for companies with moderate user/hardware ratio that must have shared resources split into groups for management purposes.
C. User accounts can be centrally located.
D. Resources are grouped logically in resource domains.
E. Global groups need to be defined only once in the trusted domain.

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Answer: B, C, D & E

64. Choose four advantages of the multiple master domain model?

A. Best choice for companies with many users and a centralized MIS department for accounts.
B. Scaleable to networks with any number of users.
C. Resources are grouped logically.
D. Department domains can have their own administrators who manage the resources in the department.
E. Resource domains can have their own administrators and user accounts databases.

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Answer: A, B, C & D

65. Choose three disadvantages of the multiple master domain model.

A. Both local and global groups may have to be defined multiple times.
B. There are more Managing NT Directory Services to manage.
C. Not all user accounts are located in one domain.
D. User accounts must reside in each trusting domain.
E. Departmental domains must manage resources in their departments.

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Answer: A, B & C

66. You have decided to implement a multiple master domain model with three account domains. These domains will be named Sales, Marketing, and Production. You have six resource domains representing different geographical regions. How many trusts must you establish?

A. 72
B. 24
C. 9
D. 7
E. 36

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Answer: B

67. To simplify the process of implementing the multiple master domain model, which two actions should you complete?

A. Create global groups in the resource domains and assign local groups from the account domains as members of these global groups.
B. Distribute users among the master domains by organizational function.
C. Distribute users among the master domains alphabetically.
D. Create local groups in the resource domains and make global groups from the account domains members of the local groups.

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Answer: B & D

68. You have decided to implement the multiple master domain model with two account domains and three resource domains. You want to assign backup responsibility for all domain controllers in your network to MaryD, JenniferN, RandyO, and CindyC. You have assigned accounts alphabetically by last name so that Master Domain_1 has A-M and Master Domain_2 has N-Z. What three tasks must you now complete?

A. At each master domain, create a Master Global Backup group.
B. At each master domain, assign the appropriate accounts: MaryD/CindyC to Master Domain_1 and JenniferN/RandyO to Master Domain_2.
C. Assign the Master Global Backup groups to the Backup Operators groups within each domain.
D. Assign the Master Global Backup groups to the Backup Operators group within each of the resource domains.

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Answer: A, B & C

69. Choose four advantages of the complete trust model?

A. Best for companies with no central MIS department.
B. Scaleable.
C. Each department has full control over its user accounts and resources.
D. Each department has control over its own resources. User accounts are still centralized.
E. All resources and user accounts are grouped by department.

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Answer: A, B, C & E

70. Choose three disadvantages of the complete trust model?

A. It is not practical for companies with a centralized MIS group.
B. Large number of user accounts to manage.
C. Large numbers of Managing NT Directory Services to manage.
D. Each department exerts control over every other department.
E. Each department relies on the other to put appropriate users into global groups.

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Answer: A, C & E

71. There are presently 14 domains in your existing organization for which you are setting up the complete trust model. Each domain has a Systems Engineer on staff. You are merging with a company that has 11 domains. If you merge with this company and add all of their domains to your existing organization, how many new NT Directory Services trust relationships will you have as a result of the merger?

A. 25
B. 418
C. 110
D. 182
E. 600

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Answer: B

72. You are using the complete trust model in a network that presently has 19 domains. Your Kuwait domain and the Bosnia_Hersog domain are being discontinued. After the new configuration, you will have how many less trusts?

A. 2
B. 152
C. 70
D. 60
E. 272

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Answer: C

73. Which of the following are Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT Directory Services? (Choose all that apply)

A. Multiple Trust
B. Single Domain
C. Single Master Domain
D. Multiple Master Domain
E. Complete Trust

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Answer: B, C, D & E

74. You are the Systems Engineer for a large company with eight servers and 600 wks:s in a single location. You want to select a domain model that allows centralized administration. Which is your best choice?

A. The Multiple Master Domain Model
B. The Single Master Domain Model
C. The Single Domain Model
D. The Single Trust Model
E. The Multiple Trust Model

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Answer: B

75. You are implementing NT 4.0 in a company where each department will have control of its own computers and resources. However, the MIS department wants to control all 300 users. You want to follow the one user account concept and also be able to use resources anywhere on the network. Which domain model will you choose?

A. The Multiple Master Domain model
B. The Master Domain model
C. The Master Trust model
D. The Single Master Domain model

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Answer: D

76. You are a Senior Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with a large multinational company with regional offices in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and South America. Each region insists on administering its own accounts with user access to all resource domains throughout the company. Which domain model will you implement and why?

A. he Master Domain model - Each region can have its own administration and each user has to have access to all resources.
B. The Multiple Master Domain model - Each region has its own administration and each user has to have access to all resources.
C. The Complete Trust model - It will allow total access to all accounts and resources throughout the company.
D. The complete Master Domain model - Each region has its own administration and each user must have access to all company resources.

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Answer: B

77. To achieve an efficient network operation what four planning activities are required?

A. Determine the number of PDCs and BDCs for efficient use of resources.
B. Determine server locations for efficient operations.
C. Decide on the best way to implement the network for synchronization.
D. Plan on efficient pass-through authentication.
E. Install NT Server and indicate whether a server is going to be a PDC or a BDC.

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Answer: A, B, C & D

78. Four factors than can affect the size of a directory services database include which of the following?

A. Number of accounts
B. Security Accounts Manager limits
C. Objects in the Directory Database
D. Space used by Group Accounts
E. Number of domain servers

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Answer: A, B, C & D

79. Which account is unique to a Windows NT-based computer?

A. User
B. Group
C. Computer
D. Global

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Answer: C

80. Which three factors must be calculated to determine the space necessary for group accounts?

A. Total number of servers
B. Total number of groups
C. Total number of users
D. Amount of space used
E. Total number of computers

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Answer: B, C & D

81. The total number of master domains to configure for a network is primarily based on which two of the following items?

A. The total number of users.
B. The total number of regions.
C. The organizational structure of the company.
D. The geographical dispersion of the organization.

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Answer: A & C

82. A general rule for calculating the number of BDCs required for a domain is ______.

A. Add one BDC for each 2000 accounts.
B. Add a BDC for every 1000 accounts beyond the first 2000.
C. Use a ratio based on the number of PDCs.
D. Add a BDC for each added use of a BDC as a resource server.

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Answer: A

83. In determining BDC locations, you can eliminate logon traffic across slow WAN links by taking which action?

A. Locate the BDCs near their PDCs.
B. Locate a BDC on each local network segment where logon requests occur.
C. Locate all BDCs in a central location.
D. Configure the PDC with logon services disabled.

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Answer: B

84. What can you do to prevent the frequency of full synchronization?

A. Set the full synchronization frequency parameters.
B. Increase the size of the change log in the registry.
C. Use only partial synchronization.
D. Increase the size of the replication governor.

>> !
Answer: B

85. Where is the ChangeLogSize folder found?


>> !
Answer: B

86. Adjusting the ReplicationGovernor is important because it defines which two items?

A. The size of the data transferred on each call to the PDC
B. The size of the NetLogon service
C. The frequency of calls to the PDC
D. The frequency of calls to the BDC

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Answer: A & C

87. You are the senior network administrator for a company with 30,000 users. MIS wants control of user accounts. To determine the total number of account domains what are four factors that you must consider?

A. Local groups, global groups, and the number of computers.
B. Administrative units within the company.
C. Future growth of the company.
D. The capabilities/capacities of the computers that will host the Directory Services database.
E. The number of resource domains.

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Answer: A, B, C & D

88. You have decided on a Single Master Domain model with six resource domains. How many PDCs will you need to support your decision?

A. 6
B. 30
C. 7
D. 8

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Answer: C

89. Your corporate site connects to your site with a 56 KBPS link. You have multiple SQL and SNA Servers that are accessed from various domains. The link is at a high percent usage rate for most of each day and you want to decrease traffic across the WAN link. Which two actions do you recommend?

A. Place BDCs for all account domains at your location.
B. Configure the NetLogon to synchronize only during off-hours each day.
C. Adjust the ReplicationGovernor.
D. Increase the amount of pass-through authentication to speed up access to the servers.

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Answer: A & B

90. You are organizing your directory services structure in your company to include one location connected by a 28.8 KBPS WAN link. That location has ten users who are constantly accessing resources outside of their own area. What factor will dictate placement of BDCs at that location?

A. The amount of bandwidth of the WAN link used for synchronization of the directory services database.
B. The resources located outside of the user area.
C. The size of the directory services database.
D. The location of the PDCs.

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Answer: A

91. You have created system policies for all of your NT 4.0 Wks domain users. You are adding Windows 95 computers. The system policies you created for your current users will not work under Windows 95. When you logon under NT 4.0, the system policy is downloaded. But, when you logon to Windows 95 with the same user, the system policy is not downloaded. Choose three reasons why this occurs.

A. You have not duplicated the user policies in both of your operating system download files.
B. Windows 95 CONFIG.POL file is missing or corrupt.
C. Windows 95 NTCONFIG.POL file is missing or corrupt.
D. The Windows 95 System Policy file for this specific user does not contain policies that apply to this user.
E. The user was never created on the Windows 95 Server.

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Answer: A, B & D

92. Your company has one domain consisting of one NT 4.0 Server PDC and 25 client machines. You have decided to implement TCP/IP protocol. What parameters will you need to give each machine in the domain? (Choose all that apply)

A. Node ID
B. Default Gateway
C. Subnet Mask
D. Network ID

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Answer: A, C & D

93. A network includes multiple BDCs and you are validated at logon by BDC-1. How does a change to your user account get handled?

A. Changes made at the BDC-1 are replicated to the PDC as scheduled.
B. Changes made at the BDC-1 are maintained and replicate to all other BDCs and the PDC as scheduled.
C. Changes are made at the PDC and replicated to all BDCs including BDC-1.
D. You must logon at the PDC, not the BDC-1.

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Answer: C

94. Windows NT Directory Services provide all but which one of the following features?

A. Single logon ID and password
B. Centralized management of resources and accounts
C. Authentication management
D. Maintenance of user accounts and passwords in diverse environments
E. Multiple logon access to all BackOffice applications

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Answer: E

95. You have expanded your network environment and would like to make George your assistant to help with optimizing the network environment. You would like George to be able to shut down a remote computer. Which two of the following local groups could you place George into so that he has the default capabilities to "force shutdown from a remote system"?

A. Account Operators
B. Print Operators
C. Backup Operators
D. Administrators
E. Server Operators

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Answer: D & E

96. When would a NT 4.0 Domain configuration be used in preference to a workgroup?

A. When the network has a CPU that can be allocated to network support
B. In a rapid development group that has poorly defined access requirements
C. When security is required at the user level
D. When the LAN has less than 10 computers
E. When any workgroup user decides to implement a domain environment

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Answer: C

97. You are implementing a one-way trust relationship. You have added the trusted domain to the Managing NT Directory Services from the PDC of the trusting domain and left the Initial Password and Confirm Password blank. Next, you logon to the trusted domain and add the trusting domain name in the domain box for Trusting Domains and leave the password blank. Which of the following messages will you receive if you proceed as described?

A. The domain controller for this domain could not be found.
B. The password is incorrect.
C. The trust relationship could not be verified at this time.
D. The trust relationship was successfully established.

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Answer: D

98. You have set up a trusted domain, DomainA, and a trusting domain, DomainC. You log onto the PDC of DomainA. What names appear in the domain box?

A. Only DomainA
B. Only DomainC
C. Both DomainA and DomainC

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Answer: A

99. You have established a trusting domain, DomainY, and a trusted domain, DomainX. You logon to DomainY and display the names in the domain box. What names appear in the domain box?

A. DomainX
B. DomainY
C. DomainX and DomainY

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Answer: C

100. From the PDC of a trusted domain, DOMAINX, (master domain model) you use User Manager for Domains to create the global group RESEARCH and add Alpha, Bravo, and Fox as members of the group. Next, you log onto a trusting domain, DOMAINY, to add the RESEARCH group to the local Administrators group. In the Members box, how is the Research group referenced?

A. DomainX\Research
B. DomainY\Research
C. Research
D. Trusted\Research
E. Trust\Research

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Answer: A

101. In designing charts of Managing Windows NT Directory Services for the multiple master domain model, which of the following apply? (Choose all that apply)

A. An arrow points from each resource domain to each master/account domain.
B. An arrow points to each resource domain from each master/account domain.
C. Two-way arrows point between each master domain.
D. Two-way arrows point between each trusting domain.

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Answer: A & C

102. If an application tries to open a file or file like device using a UNC name, what determines which network provider to communicate with?

B. NDIS 4.0

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Answer: D

The Multiple UNC Provider is user to determine which network provider to use when an application or a file is opened using a UNC name.

103. Which of the following is true about Network Device Interface Specification (NDIS)? (Choose all that apply)

A. NDIS allows multiple network adapter cards and multiple protocols to coexist in a single computer.
B. NDIS describes the interface by which NIC drivers communication with NIC's, with protocols, and with the OS.
C. The component at the lowest software level in the networking architecture is the NDIS-compatible NIC.
D. It coordinates all I/O functions and synchronizes the activities of the executive services.

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Answer: A, B & C

NDIS provides a common interface and translator for communication between network cards and the drivers to the protocols and operating system. NDIS also supports multiple NIC's.

104. What is the heart of the Windows NT executive?

A. Kernel
B. Hardware Abstraction layer (HAL)
C. Micro-Kernel
D. Hardware

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Answer: C

The Micro-Kernel is the heart of the Windows NT executive.

105. What protocol provides compatibility with earlier LANs, such as Microsoft's LAN Manager and IBM's OS/2 LAN Server?

A. Apple Talk
B. NWLink

>> !
Answer: D

NetBIOS provides compatibility with earlier versions of LAN software.

106. Which protocol is used with Services for Macintosh to host connections from Apple Macintosh clients?

A. Apple Talk
C. NWLink

>> !
Answer: A

The AppleTalk protocol is used with the Services for Macintosh to connect an Apple Macintosh with a Windows NT server.

107. This protocol provides communication across interconnected networks made up of computers with diverse hardware architectures:

A. NWLink
C. Apple Talk

>> !
Answer: B

The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is an industry standard suite of protocols designed for wide area network (WAN) environments.

108. What is Microsoft's Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange compatible transport protocol?

A. Apple Talk
C. NWLink

>> !
Answer: C

NWLINK IPS/SPX Compatible Protocol - originally standardized by Xerox as the XNS protocol, Novell's NetWare made this protocol popular in the form of Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX).

109. To see the IPX network number, frame type, and binding configuration, at the command prompt, type:

A. ipxroute table
B. ipconfig/all
C. ipxroute servers
D. ipxroute config

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Answer: D

IPXROUTE config could be used at the command prompt to view information on your NWLINK protocol.

110. To view the TCP/IP routing table, at the command prompt type:

A. route table
B. route view
C. route config
D. route print

>> !
Answer: A

The ROUTE PRINT command can be used to view the routing tables.

111. Which of the following commands will trace the route an IP packet will take?

A. route trace
B. route
C. tracert
D. route print

>> !
Answer: C

Tracert and the destination address will show the route packets will take.

112. To show configuration status of the IP addresses, DHPC, and WINS, at the command prompt, type:

A. route print
B. ipxroute table
C. ipxroute servers
D. ipconfig/all

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Answer: D

The IPCONFIG /ALL command can be used to view all of the TCP/IP settings and information.

113. To view Server Advertising protocol (SAP) table, at the command prompt, type:

A. ipxroute table
B. ipconfig/all
C. route all
D. route print
E. ipxroute servers

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Answer: E

IPXROUTE SERVERS can be used to display the SAP table from the command prompt when using the NWLINK protocol.

114. What resides above the TDI and provides one computer with access to another?

B. TDI map
D. API Manager

>> !
Answer: A

The redirector and servers reside above the TDI layer providing network connectivity between multiple computers.

115. The redirector runs in what mode?

A. Cache
B. User
C. System Kernel
D. Kernel

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Answer: D

The redirector runs in the privileged mode known as the kernel mode as it is part of the I/O Manager.

116. Which file contains the workstation service?


>> !
Answer: B

The file that holds the workstation service (or redirector) is RDR.SYS.

117. What file system driver interacts with various other file system drivers to satisfy command requests, such as file reads and writes?


>> !
Answer: A

The server service allows the computer to respond to network requests. The file associated with the server service is SRV.SYS.

118. For Gateway Service for NetWare (GSNW) to work, the transport must include the ______ protocol?

C. NWLink
D. NetBIOS Frame

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Answer: C

Microsoft ensured compatibility with NetWare servers by including the NWLink IPX/SPX-compatible protocol, but it did not end there. Microsoft also bundles in the Gateway Service for NetWare (GSNW)and includes a utility to help smooth the conversion from NetWare into Windows NT Server.

119. What is a standard interface to protocols with different address schemes?

B. Mailslots
E. Windows Sockets

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Answer: E

Windows Sockets are the interface that can be used with protocols with different address schemes, like TCP/IP.

120. What is a standard programming interface for developing client/server applications?

B. Windows Sockets
C. Mailslots
D. Named Pipes

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Answer: A

The NetBIOS API - this set of API calls is used to provide a simple way for developers to write network-aware applications.

121. This provider DLL is the component that allows a computer running Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation to communicate with the network using the Windows NT redirector:

A. Alternative Provider DLL
B. ISOWIN 32.dll
C. VLM.dll
D. NT LAN Manager Provider DLL

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Answer: D

The NT LAN Manager Provider DLL allows Windows NT computers to connect to the network.

122. What command can a user issue to connect to a remote computer?

A. remconnect
B. net use
C. connect
D. remotecon

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Answer: B

The Net Use command can be used to make remote network connections.

123. Which tool displays events and error messages generated by Windows NT system, services, applications, or user actions?

A. Event Viewer
B. Service Manager
C. Windows NT diagnostics
D. Task Manager
E. Network Monitor

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Answer: A

The event viewer in Windows NT is used to record errors, warnings, and informational messages from the operating system and from applications.

124. This tool verifies that the NetLogon, Workstation, and Server services are running: (Choose all that apply)

A. Event Viewer
B. Server Manager
C. Windows NT Diagnostics
D. Task Manager

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Answer: B, C & D

Choosing Computer, Services in the Server Manager will let you see the services. These can also be seen in the NT Diagnostics and the Task Manager.

125. This tool helps examine the status of the network adapter cards, drivers, interrupt request line, network services, and transport protocols:

A. Event Viewer
B. Server Manager
C. Windows NT Diagnostics
D. Task Manager
E. Network Monitor

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Answer: C

The Windows NT Diagnostics utility (WINMSD) can be used to display all of the IRQ's, environment and drivers in a Windows NT system.

126. This tool monitors, stops, and starts active applications and processes:

A. Event Viewer
B. Server Manager
C. Windows NT Diagnostics
E. Task Manager

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Answer: E

Task Manager enables the viewing, stopping, and starting of applications and processes.

127. This tool measures the computer's efficiency to identify and troubleshoot possible problems, and to plan for additional hardware needs:

A. Network Monitor
B. NT Hardware Qualifier
C. Performance Monitor
D. Task Manager
E. Event Viewer

>> !
Answer: C

Performance Monitor is an administrative tool for monitoring NT workstations and servers. It uses a series of counters to track data for different objects installed on the system.

128. This tool identifies installed hardware and setting for diagnostic purposes:

A. Network Monitor
B. NT Hardware Qualifier
C. Performance Monitor
D. Task Manager
E. Event Viewer

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Answer: B

The NT Hardware Qualifier can be used to identify that all components are compatible with windows NT server.

129. This hive contains information about the local computer, including hardware and operating system data such as bus type, system memory, device drivers, and startup control data:


>> !
Answer: E

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key would contain all information and configuration settings for the local computer.

130. This hives contains the data that associates file types by file name extension with application. Also contains configurations data for COM and DCOM objects: (Choose all that apply)


>> !
Answer: A & B

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT contains all of the file associations and OLE, COM objects. This is a copy of the information in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes.