Proxy Server

1. Proxy Server includes packet filtering: (Choose all that apply)

A. That is dynamic
B. That is static
C. That is passive
D. That is reiterative
E. For the internal network adapter

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Answer: A & B

Proxy supports both inbound and outbound packet filtering. Unlike other packet-filtering firewalls, Proxy dynamically determines which packets can be passed through to the internal network's circuit and application layer proxy services. Individual packet filters are configured to prevent packets from being passed through Proxy except for the ones specified. Rather than forcing you to manually predefine and permanently open a set of ports for different applications, this feature opens ports automatically only as needed, then closes the ports when the communication ends. This approach minimizes the number of exposed ports in either direction and provides a high level of hassle-free security for your network.

2. Socks Proxy supports:

B. Telnet
C. Real Audio
D. VDOLive
E. Microsoft NetShow

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Answer: B

SOCKS is a cross-platform mechanism that establishes secure communications between client and server computers. The Socks Proxy service supports SOCKS version 4.3a and allows users transparent access to the Internet by means of Proxy Server. The Socks Proxy service extends the redirection provided by the WinSock Proxy service to non-Windows platforms. It uses TCP/IP and can be used for Telnet, FTP, Gopher, and HTTP. The Socks Proxy service does not support applications that rely on the UDP protocol.

3. Which protocols can pass through Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 via the Web Proxy:

C. Gopher

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Answer: A, B, C & D

The Web Proxy service supports proxy requests from any browser that is compatible with the standard CERN proxy protocol, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. You can use a computer that runs any operating system, such as Windows 95, NT, Macintosh, or UNIX. The Web Proxy service supports all popular Internet browsers and the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP), Gopher, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) protocols. Also, the Web Proxy service supports the HTTP-S protocol for secure sessions by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections.

4. What protocols can pass through Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 via the WinSock Proxy:

C. Telnet
D. RealAudio

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Answer: A, B, C & D

The WinSock Proxy service makes a Windows Sockets-compatible client application, such as Telnet, mail, news, NetShow, RealAudio, or IRC, perform as if it were directly connected to the Internet. The client application makes Windows Sockets API calls to communicate with an application running on an Internet-based computer. The WinSock Proxy components redirect the necessary APIs to the Proxy Server computer, thus establishing a communication path from the internal application to the Internet application through the Proxy Server computer. The following illustration shows the communication path for the WinSock Proxy service.

5. What protocols can pass through Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 via the SOCKS Proxy:

C. Telnet

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Answer: A, B & C

SOCKS is a cross-platform mechanism that establishes secure communications between client and server computers. The Socks Proxy service supports SOCKS version 4.3a and allows users transparent access to the Internet by means of Proxy Server. The Socks Proxy service extends the redirection provided by the WinSock Proxy service to non-Windows platforms. It uses TCP/IP and can be used forTelnet, FTP, Gopher, and HTTP. The Socks Proxy service does not support applications that rely on the UDP protocol.

6. If the default set of protocol definitions are used, Proxy Server will:

A. Open a random port
B. Open port 23
C. Open port 80
D. Open 1125

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Answer: C

Proxy Server Setup installs a default set of predefined protocol definitions on the server for the WinSock Proxy service. These appear under Protocol on the WinSock Proxy or Socks Proxy Protocol tab. You are not limited to these predefined protocol definitions, nor are you restricted to Windows Sockets applications that work with these predefined protocol definitions. You use the Protocols tab to add protocol definitions that support additional Windows Sockets applications. The default port for HTTP is Port 80.

7. Which protocols can desktop clients use to connect to the Internet through Proxy Server?


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Answer: A & B

MS Proxy Server uses TCP/IP or IPX/SPX protocols to communicate with clients on your network. If you have one of these protocols already installed for all clients on your network, your network is ready for Microsoft Proxy Server. If you have a small network that is currently using NetBEUI only, you need to enable one of these other protocols for your network clients to have proxy access.

8. How does Proxy Server maximize use of available bandwidth?

A. By eliminating Secure Sockets Layer authentication
B. By the use of a high-level compression algorithm
C. With caching
D. By piggy-backing multiple connection requests

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Answer: C

To select appropriate bandwidth connections for your network, you need to examine peak-level demands created by all of your network users who access the Internet. In most cases, users who browse graphic-intensive sites consume most of the available bandwidth. With the object caching capabilities and domain filtering features available in Microsoft Proxy Server, you may be able to reduce your actual bandwidth requirements by caching frequently accessed sites locally, or by restricting access to some graphic-intensive sites.

9. Multiple web servers can publish to the Internet through:

A. Web Proxy
B. Winsock Proxy
C. Socks Proxy
D. Reverse Proxy
E. Reverse Hosting

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Answer: E

Reverse hosting takes publishing to the next logical step by maintaining a list of internal server computers (not just Web servers) that have permission to publish to the Internet, thereby allowing Proxy Server to listen and respond on behalf of multiple servers that are located behind it. Proxy Server maintains a mapping table to allow multiple server computers to publish to the Internet by means of a single IP address securely. To the Internet client, the process is transparent-there is no indication that the request is being passed through Proxy Server first before being forwarded to the applicable Web server. Proxy Server merely maps and redirects the incoming URL to the appropriate location.

10. You can respond to requests from the Internet on behalf of a web server through:

A. Web Proxy
B. Winsock Proxy
C. Socks Proxy
D. Reverse Proxy

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Answer: D

Reverse proxying is the ability to listen to incoming requests for an internal Web (HTTP) server computer and respond on behalf of that server. In this way, an insecure server is made to "look" secure. Reverse proxying can be thought of as "inverse chaining" in that a request is forwarded downstream to the Web server located behind the Proxy Server computer.

11. Setting up a modem or an ISDN adapter with Proxy Server requires the installation of:

A. Nothing is required. Proxy Server has its own dial-out feature
C. Multi-home routing

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Answer: B

If you have installed RAS and configured an initial port for dial-out use after Proxy Server was installed, check that port usage is set for Dial Out Only. If Dial Out and Receive Calls or Receive Calls Only is selected, the server is configured as a RAS server. In almost all cases, RAS should be reconfigured for RAS client use (to dial out only).

12. The best method to create a Local Access Table is:

A. Enter each address manually
B. Select "Load known address ranges from all IP interface cards"
C. Select "Load known address ranges from the following IP interface cards:"
D. Use LMHOSTS file
E. Use DNS

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Answer: C

13. To add an address of to the LAT you would enter:

A. From: To:
B. From: To:
C. From: To:
D. From: To:

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Answer: D

In the Local Address Table Configuration dialog box, review the entries in Internal IP ranges. To add a single IP address to the list, under Edit, type the same address in both From and To, and then click Add.

14. The most efficient method of creating a custom Local Access Table on a client is:

A. Do nothing. The client can't be customized as the Msplat.txt file would be overwritten at the next refresh if you changed it.
B. Create a locallat.txt file to be used instead of Msplat.txt
C. Create a locallat.txt file to be used with Msplat.txt
D. Edit the Msplat.txt file on the client

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Answer: C

15. The default folder in which the mcpclnt.ini file is stored on the client, and default permission to the folder is:

A. Mcpclnt and Everyone:read
B. Mspclnt and Everyone:full control
C. MSPClients and MSPUsers:read
D. MSPClients and MSPUsers:full control

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Answer: B

The Mspclnt.ini file contains client configuration information. The master copy of the Mspclnt.ini file is created during Microsoft Proxy Server Setup and is stored in the C:\Msp\Clients directory on the server computer. Every Microsoft Windows client receives a copy of the Mspclnt.ini file, which is stored in the Mspclnt directory on the client computer. The default permissions on the share mcpclnt (folder: C:\Msp\Clients) on the server is Everyone: Read; however the default permissions of the folder mspclnt on the client is Everyone: Full Control.

16. Proxy Client is installed and the following changes have been made to the Windows95 client machine: (Choose all that apply)

A. Msplat.txt is copied to the client
B. A WSP icon is added to Control Panel
C. Mcpclnt.ini is copied to the client
D. A WSP address is added to LMHOSTS

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Answer: A, B & C

The following software components are installed from the server on a Proxy client computer:
- The WinSock Proxy client application.
- A shared client configuration file, Mspclnt.ini.
- A shared client Local Address Table (LAT) file, Msplat.txt.

17. Your internal network uses IPX only and you don't want TCP/IP to be used internally by the WinSock Proxy. You should: (Choose all that apply)

A. Disable TCP/IP on the clients
B. Select "Force IPX/SPX protocol"
C. Remove TCP/IP from the internal network
D. Remove the [Servers IP Addresses] section in the Mspclnt.ini file

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Answer: B & D

18. TCP is supported by:

A. Web Proxy
B. WinSock Proxy
C. Web Proxy
D. All Services with Proxy 2.0

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Answer: D

All three services offered by Proxy 2.0 (Web Proxy, WinSock Proxy and Web Proxy, support TCP. UDP, however, is supported only by Web and WinSock Proxy.

19. What is meant by IP aggregation?

A. Allowing transparent access from an internal or private network to the public or external network while masking or protecting the internal network.
B. Allowing multiple sites to use one IP address
C. Allowing multiple IP addresses to be bound to one network card
D. Allowing a round-robin selection of an IP address from a group of IP addresses

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Answer: A

Providing transparent access from an internal or private network to the public or external network while masking or protecting the internal network.

20. By running as an ISAPI application, Proxy Server benefits from IIS 4.0 features. TCP connections remain intact after a request and response though:

A. null connects
B. null sessions
C. keep-alives
D. implicit connections

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Answer: C

By running as an ISAPI application, Proxy Server benefits from the functional and performance features of IIS. One example is the Web server's support for HTTP Keep-Alives. Keep-Alives is a feature that, when supported by both browser and server, allows TCP connections to remain intact after a request and response are completed. This significantly improves performance if another request is made from the same client to the same server within a time limit for connections. Support for Keep-Alives requires that the Web server be able to return the byte size of responses to clients, and that timeouts are used by both the client and the server so as to efficiently manage Windows Sockets connections.

21. With passive caching, when a client requests an object, the Proxy Server: (Choose all that apply)

A. Returns the object to the client then caches it, if possible
B. Returns the object to the client if F5 is used.
C. Caches the item, if possible.
D. Returns the object from cache if it exists, unless F5 is used.
E. Retrieves the object from the remote server each time and then caches it

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Answer: A & D

Content cache servers typically provide regular or passive caching. That is, the content cache server reacts to a specific user request for content. As the request is being fulfilled and the information passed through to the user, the content cache server will determine if the content is cache-able. If it is cache-able content and if there's room in the cache, the server will store it in the cache. Microsoft Proxy Server can perform passive caching.

22. Proxy Server uses: (Choose all that apply)

A. Distributed caching
B. Passive caching
C. Active caching
D. Aggressive caching
E. Hierarchical caching

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Answer: A, B, C & E

MS Proxy Server 2.0 provides both distributed and hierarchical caching. Distributed caching is accomplished by linking multiple Proxy Server computers together to form an array. All array members communicate with each other in a peer-to-peer fashion and maintain their own array membership table. Hierarchical caching, also known as chaining or cascaded proxying, is also accomplished by linking multiple Proxy Server computers together. Individual computers, arrays, or any combination thereof can be chained. Chained Proxy Server computers communicate in an upstream, hierarchical fashion, with the Proxy Server computer closest to a client computer as the most downstream computer, and the Proxy Server computer connected to the Internet as the most upstream computer.

With passive caching, all objects returned to Proxy Server by Internet servers that can be cached are stored in the cache. Proxy Server calculates a Time-To-Live (TTL) for all objects in the cache. When an object's TTL has expired, the next request for the object is serviced from the Internet instead of the cache.

With active caching, the freshness and availability of popular objects is ensured. Active caching automatically goes out to the Internet for an object, without client prompting, when the TTL has expired or is near expiration. Internet objects are subject to active caching on the basis of their popularity relative to their rate of change. Additionally, the active caching algorithm incorporates calculations of current server load in order to process requests to the Internet at times of low usage. During heavy usage periods, URLs are automatically updated only if they are within a minute or so of expiring. During light usage periods, URLs are updated if they are at least 50 percent expired. As such, active caching usually takes place during non-business hours or during brief dips in network activity during business hours. It does not stop an URL from being updated before it expires, even during the busiest time of the day.

23. The process whereby Proxy Server automatically regenerates cached objects is called:

A. Distributed caching
B. Aggressive caching
C. Hierarchical caching
D. Passive caching
E. Active caching

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Answer: E

Active caching works as a superset to passive caching. Typically, during passive caching, an object is placed in the cache and a TTL expiration value is associated with that object. During this TTL, all requests for the object are serviced from the cache without generating traffic back to the upstream Web Server. After the TTL has expired, subsequent client requests for the object generate traffic to and from the Web Server. The response from the Server is stored in the cache and a new TTL is calculated. Active caching augments this system by having the server automatically generate requests for a specified subset of objects.

24. Windows Sockets APIs support: (Choose all that apply)

A. Initiating an outbound connection for a client application
B. Accepting an inbound connection for the server application
C. Sending and receiving data on a client/server connection
D. Terminating a client/server connection
E. Initiating an inbound connection for a client application

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Answer: A, B, C & D

Windows Sockets is a mechanism for interprocess communication between network applications running on the same computer, or on different computers connected using a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN). It defines a set of standard APIs that an application uses to communicate with one or more applications, usually across a network.

The Windows Sockets APIs support:
- Initiating an outbound connection for a client application.
- Accepting an inbound connection for the server application.
- Sending and receiving data on a client/server connection.
- Terminating a client/server connection.

25. Automatically closing ports after termination of a connection with a remote Server is a function of:

A. Active caching
B. Passive caching
C. Static packet filtering
D. Dynamic packet filtering

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Answer: D

With dynamic packet filtering, it is no longer necessary for the administrator to explicitly unbind specific services from the external network adapter of Proxy Server. Packets can now be automatically blocked from reaching those services, regardless of whether they are bound or not. Ports are automatically opened for transmit, receive, or both operations. Ports are then immediately closed after a connection has been terminated by any of the Proxy Server services. This offers a high degree of security with minimal administration required-the Web Proxy, WinSock Proxy, and Socks Proxy services do all the work. This minimizes the number of open ports and the duration of time that a port is open. For a finer level of control, you can manually configure static packet filters through the user interface, as described in the following procedures. If you run applications that access the Internet on the same computer that is running Proxy Server, you need to configure static filters.

26. To use dynamic packet filtering, you should:

A. Unbind specific unused services from the external network adapter
B. Unbind specific unused services from the internal network adapter
C. Turn on the IPX gateway
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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Answer: E

With dynamic packet filtering, it is no longer necessary for the administrator to explicitly unbind specific services from the external network adapter of Proxy Server. Packets can now be automatically blocked from reaching those services, regardless of whether they are bound or not.

27. The process of intercepting and evaluating packets before they are passed to higher levels in the protocol layers or an application is called: (Choose all that apply)

A. Passive filtering
B. Dynamic filtering
C. Cache filters
D. A firewall

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Answer: A, B & D

28. Dynamic packet filtering: (Choose all that apply)

A. Is turned off by default
B. Is turned on by default
C. Is for the external network adapter
D. Blocks all packets by default when on
E. Is for the internal network adapter

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Answer: A, C & D

29. Alerts can be set: (Choose all that apply)

A. For oversized packets
B. For rejected packets
C. For protocol violations
D. For disk full messages
E. Only if packet filtering is on

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Answer: B, C, D & E

Proxy Server can also issue alerts for specific events, such as for dropped packets or packets sent to an unused service port. Alerts can be sent to a log file, to the NT system event log, as an e-mail message, or any combination thereof.

30. You want to diagnose the client configuration for WinSock Proxy on a Windows 95 machine. You should run:


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Answer: D

31. Proxy Server 2 includes the following features: (Choose all that apply)

A. Reverse proxy
B. Packet filtering
C. FTP object caching
D. HTTP object caching
E. IPX shadowing

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Answer: A, B, C & D

32. To implement caching with Proxy Server 2.0, the following are required: (Choose all that apply)

B. Three network adapters
C. Internet Information Server
D. NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 3
E. TCP/IP - NTFS partition

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Answer: A, C, D & E

33. You want to dial up the Internet from home to your ISP, using the notebook computer from work that is configured to use WinSock Proxy. You should:

A. Do nothing. Dial up will work normally
B. Enable multiple sessions
C. Disable WinSock Proxy
D. Uninstall IPX
E. Add a hardware profile for the dial up configuration from home

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Answer: C

34. You want to see full diagnostics information for the WinSock client. You should run:

A. CLCFG32 /v
B. CLCFG32 /m
C. CHKWSP32 /v
D. CHKWSP32 /f

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Answer: D

35. CHKWSP32 is the utility used for:

A. WinSock Proxy diagnostics
B. SOCKS Proxy client diagnostics
C. Web Proxy diagnostics
D. WinSock Proxy client diagnostics
E. Web Proxy client diagnostics

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Answer: D

36. You have recently changed the home directory properties on the WWW Service to a remote UNC pathname. Now your clients are receiving the following error when they attempt to access the path through Proxy Server: "HTTP/1.0 500 server error (An attempt has been made to operate on an impersonation token by a thread that is not currently impersonating a client)". How do you resolve the problem?

A. Reset the directories to the default condition
B. Run CHKWSP32 /f
C. stop and restart the WWW and Web Proxy services
D. Check the user's permissions

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Answer: C

37. You have installed Proxy Server on a server with no NTFS partitions. You later convert a FAT partition to NTFS and decide to use it for caching. You must: (Choose all that apply)

A. Stop and restart Web Proxy service
B. Enable caching
C. Regenerate cache
D. Set cache size
E. Apply changes

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Answer: A, B, D & E

38. You have 400 users and want to set cache size on your NTFS partition. The suggested cache size setting is:

A. 200 MB
B. 300 MB
C. 400 MB
D. 500 MB

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Answer: B

39. You are running a network with DNS and WindowsS internally. You have configured your Proxy Server to allow all ICMP packets to go through. When a client attempts to ping another internal FQDN,, ping fails. Why has this happen?

A. Third party WinSock DLL
B. The WINS Service is stopped
C. DNS server IP address is not listed in the LAT
D. Ping is not allowed internally, by default, when running Proxy Server

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Answer: C

40. You are frequently connecting to a remote server that is running the identification protocol. You have recently enabled packet filtering and as a result are suffering performance delays when connecting to this remote server. What can you do to increase the performance?

A. Increase the packet buffer setting
B. Add one or more network adapters
C. Activate the predefined "Identd" packet filter on Proxy Serv
D. Nothing. Packet filtering only affects inbound packets

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Answer: C

41. You stop the Web Proxy Service and are now attempting to stop the WWW service on your IIS Server. You receive the following error: "The service has not been started" The icon shows that the WWW service is running. Why do you get this message?

A. You haven't yet started the WWW service
B. WWW service isn't starting automatically
C. You stopped the Web Proxy service
D. You have an error in your configuration

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Answer: C

42. You have been experiencing poor routing performance with your array, and on researching the problem realize you have been having too many lateral resolutions. This is a result of: (Choose all that apply)

A. Too few clients implementing the routing function
B. Too few downstream proxies implementing the routing function
C. Too many downstream proxies implementing the routing functio
D. This will not happen with CARP implementation

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Answer: A & B

43. The "Enter Domain Credentials" prompt appears every time you launch a WinSock application. You don't want to keep entering this information for the same domain. You would:

A. Configure WinSock to enter this information for you
B. Keep another WinSock application open
C. Change permissions for the user so credentials are no longer required
D. Use Ctrl>V to enter the credentials

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Answer: B

44. To use CHKWSP32 from a client using IPX you need to:

A. Install SAP Agent service on the client
B. Install SAP Agent service on the NT Server
C. Start the SAP Agent service
D. Install the resource kit

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Answer: B

45. After implementing Proxy Server, your clients are complaining that they are unable to connect to one internal server. There are no problems connecting to other servers on the LAN. What should you do?

A. Check that the IP address of the DNS server is in the LAT
B. Check that the IP address of the server is in the LAT
C. Check that the IP addresses of the clients are in the LAT
D. Check the Mspclnt directory for error .out files

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Answer: B

46. On your network, some clients require a statically assigned IP address. After assigning these clients their addresses manually, one is complaining that he cannot connect through WinSock Proxy. What should you do?

A. Verify that Proxy Server can remote the client
B. Verify that the DNS server has the IP address of the client
C. Verify that the IP address of the client is in the LAT
D. Turn off WinSock identification requests

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Answer: C

47. What command line utility would you use to view current network values for TCP/IP and IPX on a Windows 95 client?

D. WINIPCFG; there is no command line prompt for IPX

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Answer: D

48. Which tools or utilities would you use to troubleshoot the status of a WinSock Proxy client? (Choose all that apply)

A. CHKWSPxx /f
D. NT Diagnostics

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Answer: A, B & C

49. If you suspect that your server is experiencing a SYN attack you would use what utility to make that determination?

B. NBTStat
C. Netstat

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Answer: C

50. Proxy Server can act as a firewall by the use of: (Choose all that apply)

A. Reiterative packet filtering
B. IP aggregation
C. Dynamic packet filtering
D. Static packet filtering
E. IP forwarding

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Answer: C & D

51. You're using an Internet Server attached to a firewall and want to discourage spoofing. You would: (Choose all that apply)

A. Turn on packet filtering by user
B. Configure IIS to deny access to your firewall's IP address
C. Configure Reverse Proxy to deny access to a suspect IP address
D. Attempt multiple SYN's for the suspect address

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Answer: A, B & C

52. An Internet application requests a Proxy Server port number. If the default set of protocol definitions are used, Proxy Server will:

A. Open a random port
B. Open port 23
C. Open port 80
D. Open port 1125

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Answer: C

53. The process of intercepting and evaluating packets before they are passed to higher levels in the protocol layers or an application is called: (Choose all that apply)

A. Passive filtering
B. Dynamic filtering
C. Cache filters
D. A firewall

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Answer: A, B & D

54. After you have enabled Packet Filtering and Enabled Dynamic Packet Filtering of MS Proxy Server packets, what must you do to block X-Windows packets on port range 6000 to 6100?

A. Enable a filter for X-Windows
B. Enable port blocking at 6000 to 6100
C. Turn on CARP
D. Do nothing. X-Windows is blocked by default

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Answer: D

55. Proxy Server dials out on demand: (Choose all that apply)

A. through Proxy Server AutoDial
B. through RAS
C. through Windows 95 DUN
D. When a requested object can't be found in cache for Web Proxy
E. For all requests for WinSock Proxy or Socks Proxy

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Answer: A, B, D & E

56. RAS with Proxy Server: (Choose all that apply)

A. Should be configured to run on the Proxy Server computer
B. Should be configured to run on a computer other than the Proxy Server
C. Should be configured to dial out only
D. Can be set to dial out only during certain hours
E. Will dial out less often if cache size is decreased

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Answer: B, C & D

57. How do you prevent Internet users from accessing the NetBIOS name table with a name table lookup? (Choose all that apply)

A. Don't use NetBIOS
B. Disable WINS on the external network card
C. Enable packet filtering
D. Disable IP forwarding

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Answer: B & C

58. How is Proxy Server licensed?

A. A license is required for each server and a CAL for each client
B. Proxy Server does not require a license, the NT Server license suffices
C. A license is required for each server only
D. Only a CAL is required

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Answer: C

59. You have three Proxy Servers in an array. How many hops before a request reaches cache?

A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. Four

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Answer: B

60. Paul is working on a project to allow his network to host the corporate web site on a number of web servers. The network presently uses Proxy Server for Internet access.

Required results:
1. Paul must protect the web servers from potential attacks from external Internet users.
2. Paul must make it appear to external users that the corporate website is in one location, or web server, only.

Optional desired results:
1. Paul must ensure that the website is available to all corporate employees through the intranet as well as to all Internet users.
2. Paul must ensure that network traffic is optimized on the web server and keep client requests to a minimum.

Proposed solution:
Paul plans to place the web servers upstream from the Proxy server and add the HTTP Server (port 80) predefined filter.

A. This solution meets the required results and both optional results.
B. This solution meets the required results and one optional result.
C. This solution meets only the required results.
D. This solution does not meet the required results.

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Answer: D

61. Paul is working on a project to allow his network to host the corporate web site on a number of web servers. The network presently uses Proxy Server for Internet access.

Required results:
1. Paul must protect the web servers from potential attacks from external Internet users.
2. Paul must make it appear to external users that the corporate website is in one location, or web server, only.

Optional desired results:
1. Paul must ensure that the website is available to all corporate employees through the intranet as well as to all Internet users.
2. Paul must ensure that network traffic is optimized on the web server and keep client requests to a minimum.

Proposed solution:
Paul plans on placing the web servers downstream from the Proxy Server. He will then enable dynamic packet filtering and add the HTTP Server (port 80) predefined filter. He will enable caching on a FAT partition of the server and set up the filters to always cache the corporate website. Paul will enable web publishing and set the mappings to route incoming requests to the proper server.

A. This solution meets the required results and both optional results.
B. This solution meets the required results and one optional result.
C. This solution meets only the required results.
D. This solution does not meet the required results.

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Answer: B

62. Chris has just finished doing maintenance on his proxy server. In the course of doing modifications, he removed the default gateway on the external adapter and forgot to put a new one in. One of his users goes to browse a web page. What will happen?

A. If the page is in the cache, the user will receive it as usual; if it is not in the cache, the operation will fail.
B. If the page is in the cache, the user will receive it as usual, if it is not in the cache, the proxy server will go out to the Internet to retrieve it.
C. The proxy server will have to go directly to the Internet to get the page.
D. The action will fail, as the proxy server does not have a gateway on the external card.

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Answer: A

63. Jason has decided to set his Proxy Server cache to multiple drives. He has plenty of free space on drives D and E, when he configures the cache, he is able to on Drive E. Drive D is dimmed. What is the problem and what should he do to be able to use Drive D for caching purposes?

A. Drive D is FAT. Use Disk Administrator to convert drive D to NTFS.
B. Drive D has hidden files that are taking up disk space. Change the options in Windows Explorer to view all files, then delete unnecessary files to free up space.
C. Drive D is FAT. Run Convert.exe at the command prompt.
D. Drive D is the System partition. Jason cannot cache on the System partition.

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Answer: C

64. Peter wants to set up caching for his Proxy Server. He opens Disk Administrator, and sees the following information: proxyq65.png On which drives can he set up caching?

A. Drive C
B. Drives C and D
C. Drives C, D, and E
D. Drives D and E
E. Drive D only

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Answer: A

65. Sylvia is working for a company that has 300 employees. Growth is static in the company and she is implementing Proxy Server mainly for its caching abilities. What is the minimum cache size Sylvia should set up?

A. 200Mb
B. 250Mb
C. 300Mb
D. 350Mb
E. 400Mb

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Answer: B

66. Wendy is implementing caching with her proxy server. She is working for a company which has 500 users at present, but has anticipated growth of approximately 200 more employees in the next six months. She has converted Drive E to NTFS, which has approximately 1Gb of free space. How much of the free space should Wendy use for caching.

A. 250Mb
B. 300Mb
C. 350Mb
D. 400Mb
E. 450Mb

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Answer: E

67. Alex's corporate network uses the non-routable network numbers all on one subnet. The range used by the servers is to All users on the network are using to Proxy Server provides Internet access over a dial-up ISDN. The Proxy Server computer's network card is assigned the IP address of Which IP addresses should Alex list in the LAT?

A. -, -,
B. -
C. only the IP address assigned by the ISP
D. - and the IP address assigned by the ISP

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Answer: A

68. Jamie's internal network uses a Proxy Server computer for Internet access. The Locallat.txt file on one of his user's computer contains the IP addresses, and The Msplat.txt file contains the IP addresses Which of these addresses are used on the internal network?

B. -, -
C. -, -, -,
D. -, -,

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Answer: C

69. Katherine is configuring the Proxy Server for her corporate network. The internal network adapter on the proxy server has the IP address with a subnet mask of The external network adapter card is assigned an IP address of with a subnet mask of Which of the following are valid IP addresses for the LAT?


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Answer: D

70. Lauren has configured her application Server to also work as her Proxy Server. All drives have NTFS, with the appropriate permissions applied to the application directories. The TCP/IP protocol is used to connect to the Internet only, and NetBEUI or IPX/SPX are used in the internal network. How should the protocols be bound to the internal and external network cards?

A. TCP/IP only to both network cards
B. IPX/SPX and TCP/IP to the internal card, TCP/IP to the external card
C. IPX/SPX and TCP/IP to the internal and external network cards
D. NetBEUI, IPX/SPX, and TCP/IP to the internal card, TCP/IP to the external card
E. NetBEUI, IPX/SPX, and TCP/IP to the internal and external cards

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Answer: D

71. After installing a Proxy Server array for his network, Patrick enables an option to configure his client's web browsers with an automatically generated script. All of his clients use IE 4.01. When one of his clients connects using their web browser, what will be downloaded to the client's computer?

A. the Msplat.txt file
B. JavaScript script
C. VBScript
D. the Locallat.txt
E. the Mspclnt directory

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Answer: B

72. Emily has been approved by management to have Internet access from her desktop. The corporate network is using IPX/SPX on their internal network and a proxy server to access the internet. What must be done for Emily to have Internet access without adding TCP/IP to her network card? (Choose all that apply)

A. configure Emily's web browser to use Web Proxy server
B. configure Emily's web browser to use WinSock Proxy server
C. configure Emily's computer to use Web Proxy server on the LAN
D. configure Emily's computer to use WinSock Proxy server on the LAN
E. this cannot be done. Emily must have TCP/IP installed to access the proxy server

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Answer: A & C

73. John wishes to have his WinSock Proxy Service protocols defined uniformly throughout a chain of Proxy Servers. What command line utility can he use in conjunction with a script file to ensure this occurs with a minimal risk of human error?

A. RemoteMSP
B. WspProto
C. RemoteWSP

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Answer: B

74. Michael is concerned about some variances he has noticed on inbound network traffic on his Proxy Server and decides to monitor it. What tool should he use to accomplish this?

A. Network Monitor
B. IIS logging
C. Proxy Server packet logging
D. Performance Monitor
E. Windows NT auditing

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Answer: A

75. Deborah is the LAN administrator for Gropplegrommer Ltd. She has enabled Web Proxy Service and is using NT Challenge Response authentication to the Proxy Server. Paul, one of the employees, must access a site that only supports Basic Authentication. What must Deborah do to ensure that Paul can access this site.

A. Enable Basic Authentication instead of NT Challenge Response for Paul's user account only.
B. Enable Basic Authentication instead of NT Challenge Response Authentication for Web Proxy Service.
C. Enable Basic Authentication in conjunction with NT Challenge Response Authentication for Web Proxy Service.
D. Do nothing.

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Answer: D

76. Patrick, a consultant, has been contracted to set up a Proxy Server solution for a company of approximately 2,300 employees with six unique divisions. Each division is expected to have a high Internet usage. Which of the following solutions would best serve the needs of this company?

A. All divisions connect to a single Proxy Server for Internet access. This will provide uniform caching.
B. Each division connects to its own Proxy Server for Internet access. This will provide unique caching.
C. All divisions connect to an array of Proxy Servers for Internet access. This will provide distributed caching.
D. All divisions connect to a chain of Proxy Servers for Internet access. This will provide hierarchical caching.

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Answer: C

77. MS Proxy Server 2.0 introduced a new protocol to allow for queryless distributed caching in arrays of Proxy Servers. This protocol greatly improved the scalability and efficiency of Proxy Server arrays. The name of the protocol is:


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Answer: D

78. Katherine has been assigned the task of ensuring that her company's website is protected from external hackers. What two things can she do to secure the proxy server from unwanted entry from the internet?

A. Deny listening on inbound service ports
B. Include the Proxy Server IP external address on the LAT
C. Enable IP forwarding
D. Disable IP forwarding
E. Create a domain filter

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Answer: A & D

79. Lauren has configured her internal network as follows. Using the internal network address, with a subnet mask of, she sets up the following subnets: - - Sales - - Marketing - - Management - - Mail Room - - Translation

All clients are using NT Workstation on their desktops and IE 4.01 as browsers, and have static IP addresses. However, only members of the management team are to have access to the Internet through the Web Proxy Service. When configuring the security options under the Services tab of Web Proxy properties, Lauren chooses "Deny Access" and then lists the following group as the exception: Network: S/N Mask

However, after implementing this solution, she receives a call from the Mail Room manager complaining that his employees are spending too much time playing online games during working hours. She redoes her calculations and realizes that the Mail Room and Management are in the same subnet. While this does not cause any problems in the internal network at any time, it has allowed the Mail Room the same access to the Internet as the Management team.

What is the simplest solution for Lauren to implement to eliminate this problem?

A. Change the Mail Room's IP addresses to the range to
B. Change the subnet mask for all clients to
C. Change the subnet mask on the exception group on Proxy to
D. Add the addresses - to the exception list on Proxy and deny access

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Answer: C

80. Caroline wishes to set up her proxy server to allow clients to use ICQ. Her clients are using either Macintosh or NT Workstation. Which of the following steps should Caroline take to allow ICQ access for her clients? (Choose all that apply)

A. Install ICQ and WinSock Proxy Client on the Windows clients. The Macintosh clients will not be able to use ICQ with Proxy 2.0 without a third party program.
B. Under WinSock Proxy Properties on the server, add the pre-configured ICQ protocol. Restart the proxy services.
C. Under WinSock Proxy Client on the client, assigned the 4000 port to ICQ. Restart the WinSock Proxy Client.
D. Leave the default access control permissions.
E. Install ICQ on all clients. Install WinSock Proxy Client on the Windows computers and Socks Proxy client on the Macintosh computers.

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Answer: A & B

81. Jamie has an array of Proxy Servers set up as NT member servers. While he wants to authenticate users for client requests that pass through Web Proxy service, he also wants to allow anonymous access to Web publishing from the IIS computer. He grants the appropriate permissions to the IUSR_computername account, but finds he is getting intermittent success. What should Jamie do to resolve this problem?

You want to allow "anonymous" access to Web publishing from the local IIS computer. You want to authenticate users for client requests that pass through the Web Proxy service.

A. Promote the member servers to backup domain controllers.
B. Grant permissions to the Everyone account rather than the IUSR_computername account.
C. Change the authentication level to Basic from NT Challenge/Response.
D. Synchronize the accounts database among array members.

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Answer: B

82. An anonymous complaint was received by senior management that a specific employee has been using the office Internet connection to visit adult web sites every afternoon. The Director is loathe to speak to the employee on the strength of an anonymous complaint and has asked your assistance in proving or disproving the allegations. He needs to have some information back within a couple of weeks. All employees have Internet access and use IE 4.01 on Windows 95 computers. There is no access to newsgroups. What can you do to assist the Director in his request?

A. Enable NT auditing on the Proxy Server computer and complete logging for a period of 2 weeks.
B. Enable Web Proxy Service regular logging and complete logging for a period of 2 weeks.
C. Enable Web Proxy Service verbose logging and complete logging for a period of 2 weeks.
D. Enable WinSock Proxy Service regular logging and complete logging for a period of 2 weeks.
E. Enable WinSock Proxy Service verbose logging and complete logging for a period of 2 weeks.

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Answer: C

83. Marie has set up access control to the company website on the intranet. On the WWW Service Properties sheet, she has allowed Anonymous and NT Challenge/Response authentication. On Web Proxy Service, she restricts access to domain users. All employees must access the website through Proxy Server. Which groups can gain access to the company website?

A. All users logging in with valid NT accounts.
B. All members of the Everyone group.
C. All Domain Users and users logging in anonymously (IUSR_computername)
D. All Domain Users only.

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Answer: D

84. You have been asked to develop a network solution for a small business with 25 employees. All employees will require full Internet access. You have recommended using Proxy Sever 2.0 as a firewall as well as for its caching abilities to keep connect time down to the Internet. What type of connection will you recommend to this company for its Internet connectivity?

D. T1

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Answer: B

85. Stephen is planning to purchase a new computer on which to implement a Proxy Server for his organization. There are approximately 1,200 users in his organization. What should he be looking at purchasing?

A. Pentium 75, 700 MB hard disk space for caching, 24 MB RAM
B. Pentium 133, 2 GB hard disk space for caching, 32 MB RAM
C. Pentium 166, 4 GB hard disk space for caching, 64 MB RAM
D. Pentium 200, 16 GB caching, 128 MB RAM

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Answer: C

86. Which Proxy service is used to access a Real Audio application on the Internet?

A. WWW Service
B. Web Proxy Service
C. WinSock Proxy Service
D. SOCKS Proxy Service

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Answer: C

87. Polimorphics Incorporated has four Proxy servers that provide access to the Internet. You have listed each Proxy Server in the DNS database, which is used for internal name resolution on your network. You are now finding that one server seems to be carrying the majority of the traffic out to the Internet. You resolve this issue by assigning all Proxy Servers the same DNS name, and adding A records to the DNS database that maps this common name to all four IP addresses.

You must now edit the client configuration so that load balancing takes effect. How would you do this?

A. Edit the Mspclnt.ini file on each server to read the following: [Master Config] Path1=\\PRXYSVR\Mspclnt\ [Servers IP Addresses] Name=PRXYSVR
B. Edit the Mspclnt.ini file on each server to read the following: [Master Config] Path1=\\PRXYSVR\Mspclnt\ [Servers IP Addresses] Name=DNSSVR
C. Edit the Mspclnt.ini file on each client to read the following: [Master Config] Path1=\\PRXYSVR\Mspclnt\ [Servers IP Addresses] Name=PRXYSVR
D. Edit the Mspclnt.ini file on each client to read the following: [Master Config] Path1=\\PRXYSVR\Mspclnt\ [Servers IP Addresses] Name=DNSSVR

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Answer: A

88. Shannon is planning on implementing Proxy Server for her company, which consists of approximately 10,000 clients, consisting of 7 subnets:

Subnet A - 1000 computers
Subnet B - 2000 computers
Subnet C - 5000 computers
Subnet D, E, F, G - 200 computers each

Shannon wants to ensure that all clients on each subnet get equal opportunity to be served by the Proxy Server services. Internal bandwidth is not an issue. What would be the best implementation for Shannon's needs?

A. One Proxy Server between the internal network and the Internet.
B. One Proxy Server per subnet with direct access to the Internet.
C. One Proxy Server per 2,000 clients, configured in a chain.
D. One Proxy Sever per 2,000 clients, configured in an array.
E. One array of Proxy Servers per 2000 clients, configured in a chain.

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Answer: D

89. A company recently installed a Proxy server to provide firewall protection to their internal network. They are running a pure NT network, all clients using NT Workstation, with a DHCP, DNS and WINS Server internally. Charles has been called as a special consultant to test the security of the system. Charles runs the NBTStat utility and manages to access the Proxy NetBIOS name cache. What recommendations does Charles give to further secure the network and prevent a malicious attack on the internal network? (Choose all that apply)

A. Install a chain of Proxy Servers to provide multiple firewall protection
B. Unbind WINS client from the external adapter card
C. Unbind DNS client from the external adapter card
D. Enable Packet Filtering for Port 139
E. Place the gateway address on the internal network adapter card

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Answer: B & D

90. Daniel's, an employee at XYG Company, uses IE 3.0 to browse the Internet. Given the following network layout: proxyq93.png and counting each access to a Proxy Server array member as one hop, how many hops does Daniel's request make before the requested HTTP object is returned?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

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Answer: A

91. Which of the following can be configured to appear in Event Viewer for monitoring purposes? (Choose all that apply)

A. Rejected Packets
B. TCP/IP problems
C. URL access
D. Packet source address
E. Logging messages

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Answer: A & B

92. Kirsten wishes to monitor TCP and UDP counters with Performance Monitor to analyze TCP/IP on her Proxy Server. However, when she goes to Performance Monitor, there are no detailed counters available for TCP or UDP. What else does need to do to access these counters?

A. Kirsten does not have appropriate administrator rights to monitor TCP/IP through performance monitor. Her rights must be upgraded.
B. Kirsten must install SNMP services on her system.
C. The computer, including Proxy Server Service, must be shutdown and restarted before the counters will appear.
D. Without the full-blown version of Network Monitor, available with SMS, these counters will not appear.
E. Kirsten must run diskperf -y to start these counters.

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Answer: B

93. Joseph has been asked to install a Proxy Server for his government department's employees to safely access the Internet. The department is using the existing NetWare Server:s, but one NT Server has been installed to handle Proxy. There is a mixed bag of client operating systems, including Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, Windows 95 and NT Workstation. All clients are using IPX to connect to the servers.

Joseph installs NWLink and TCP/IP on the internal network card and TCP/IP on the external network card. The result is that the Windows 95 clients and the NT Workstation clients are having no problem. The clients with the older versions of Windows (3.1, 3.11) cannot. What is the problem?

A. Clients running Windows versions prior to Windows 95 do not have Internet Access capability.
B. All clients must have TCP/IP to access the Internet through Proxy Server.
C. The Windows 3.1 and 3.11 clients must be upgraded to 32-bit protocols (TCP/IP or IPX/SPX) before they can access the Internet.
D. IPX for Windows 3.11 and Windows 3.1 is not supported with Proxy.

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Answer: D

94. George has installed Proxy Server on a new machine. He wants to check performance on the drive, but after a period of time the disk counters read as 0. What must George do to enable these counters? (Choose all that apply)

A. George does not have appropriate administrator rights to monitor TCP/IP through performance monitor. Her rights must be upgraded.
B. George must install SNMP services on her system.
C. The computer, including Proxy Server Service, must be shutdown and restarted before the counters will appear.
D. Without the full-blown version of Network Monitor, available with SMS, these counters will not appear.
E. George must run diskperf -y to start these counters.

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Answer: C & E

95. The function of Proxy Server demonstrates the newly added features and benefits of: (Choose all that apply)

A. Proxy-to-proxy authentication
B. Dynamic packet filtering
C. Array-based content caching
D. Chain-based content caching

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Answer: A, B, C & D

Microsoft Proxy Server version 2.0 offers numerous enhancements, improvements, and new features. · Array-based content caching · Chain-based content caching · Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP) · Dynamic packet filtering · Packet alerts and logging · Proxy-to-proxy authentication · Reverse proxying · Server proxying · SOCKS version 4.3a support · Virtual bundling · Command-line administration · Array administration. · Client configuration scripts · Configuration backup and restore · Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) version 1.1 support · Client configuration scripts.

96. Internet request for access to your web server through Proxy Server are processed using:

A. TCP/IP designated ports
B. Packet filters
C. Reverse Proxy
D. Domain filters

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Answer: C

Reverse proxying is the ability to listen to incoming requests for an internal Web (HTTP) server computer and respond on behalf of that server. In this way, an insecure server is made to "look" secure. Reverse proxying can be thought of as "inverse chaining" in that a request is forwarded downstream to the Web server located behind the Proxy Server computer. Reference: Proxy Server Installation and Administration Guide; Configuring Multiserver Environments Exam Skill Being Measured: Planning: Choose a secure access strategy for various situations. Access includes outbound access by users to the Internet and inbound access to your Web site.

97. Installation of the Proxy Server 2.0 requires Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 and:

A. Service Pack 3
B. RAS Service
C. IIS 2.0 or later
D. NTFS Volume

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Answer: A

Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) version 3.0 (or later), and Service Pack 3 (or later) must be installed before you can install Proxy Server. An NTFS volume is required only if you are caching and RAS Services must be installed if a dial-up connection is used.

98. You are running an IIS 4.0 Web Server, with Proxy 2.0 as a firewall. Because the web server is for the intranet, and not published to the Internet, you have implemented NT Challenge/Response for all access to ensure that access is by members of your domain only. You have implemented reverse proxy. An employee who is working from home calls you complain that every time he tries to log on to the website, he gets the error "Access is Denied" after entering his username and password. You check his account and he has the appropriate permissions to access the site, and his account is not locked out. What do you check next?

A. what processor his machine is running at home
B. what browser he is running at home
C. whether he has dial-in permissions on his user account
D. whether his password has expired

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Answer: B

If you use Netscape Navigator to access an IIS server that uses Windows NT challenge/response password authentication, a dialog box appears that requests your user name and password. After you enter the correct user name and password, you see the message <> Even though Netscape Navigator prompts you for a user name and password, it does not support Windows NT challenge/response password authentication. To correct this problem, use Anonymous access or Basic user authentication in Internet Information Server, or upgrade clients to Internet Explorer version 2.0 or later.

99. You have three locations, location A, location B, and location C. Location A is connected to the Internet via a MS Proxy Server and a 1.5MB T1 connection. Location B is connected with a 56kb leased connection directly to the Internet. Location C has an MS Proxy Server and you would like to configure auto-dial to either A or B with an ISDN for their Internet connection. How should your Internet access be configured?

A. Location A Primary, Location B Backup
B. Location B Primary, Location A Backup
C. Location A Primary, No Backup
D. Location B Primary, No Backup

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MS Proxy server allows you to specify Primary and Backup routes. The Backup route is completely functional and provides redundancy in case the Primary route fails. Switching between the Primary and Backup is an automatic routine. If the Primary Proxy malfunctions, the Backup Proxy Server will query the unresponsive Primary until it becomes available, and then automatically relinquishes control to the Primary.

100. Your network is configured with three MS Proxy Servers on computers: Computer1, Computer2, Computer3. A DNS server has been configured as follows:   Computer1   Computer2   Computer3

You want to ensure all MS Proxy Servers are distributing the load for Internet access. When you check the servers from the Internet Service Manager you notice that Computer1 bares the load for Internet access. What is the problem and how can it be repaired?

A. Configure the client configuration file on each client computer appropriately to specify
B. Configure the client configuration file on each client computer appropriately to specify Computer1
C. Add an alias to the DNS server for INET in the round-robin group
D. At the Proxy server configure an array to forward queue requests to the next server

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Answer: A

To utilize DNS Round-Robin services for load balancing on your MS Proxy Servers, specify an appropriate client configuration file on each workstation. Client information is stored in the MSPCLNT.INI file.

101. Your network is configured with an array of three Proxy servers on computers Computer1, Computer2, and Computer3. A DNS server has been configured as follows:   Computer1   Computer1   Computer1

You want to ensure all Proxy servers are distributing the load for Internet access. When you check the servers from the Internet Service Manager you notice that Computer1 bares the load for Internet access. What is the problem and how can it be repaired?

A. Configure the client configuration file on each client computer appropriately to specify the DNS server
B. Configure the client configuration file on each client computer appropriately to specify Computer1
C. The DNS entries are invalid. must point to Computer2 and must point to Computer3
D. At the Proxy server configure an array to forward queue requests to the next server

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Answer: C

To utilize DNS Round-Robin services for load balancing on your proxy servers, specify an appropriate clinet configuration file on each workstation. Client information is stored in the MSPCLNT.INI file. In this question, typographical errors make the DNS entries invalid.

102. Your company would like to implement Internet access on their local network. They currently use the IPX protocol for Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 and Windows NT Workstation clients. After configuring a Microsoft MS Proxy Server for use with the MS WinSock Proxy Service, the WFW and Windows 3.x clients report that they are unable to access the Internet while the Windows 95 and Window NT clients report no problems.
What can be done to allow the Windows 3.x and WFW clients to access the Internet?

A. Ensure the 32bit support drivers are loaded on the WFW and Windows clients
B. From the Internet Service Manager, add the WFW IPX agent driver for the WinSock Proxy
C. Windows 3.x based clients that use IPX are not able to access the WinSock Proxy Service
D. Load the NetWare 16 bit VLM's on each of the Windows 3.x based clients

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Answer: C

The WinSock Proxy service for Proxy Server does not support Windows for Workgroups clientsusing IPX.

103. Your company would like to implement Internet access on their local network. They currently use the TCP/IP protocol for Windows for Workgroups and Windows 3.x clients. After configuring the Microsoft Web Proxy Service, the WFW and Windows 3.x clients report that they are unable to access the Internet.
What can be done to allow the Windows 3.x and WFW clients to access the Internet?

A. Ensure the WEB applications and Browser have been configured with the correct Proxy parameters
B. Ensure the 32bit support drivers are loaded on the WFW and Windows clients
C. From the Internet Proxy Manager, add the WFW IPX agent driver for the WinSock Proxy
D. Windows for Workgroups clients that use IPX are not able to access the WinSock Proxy service for Proxy Server

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Answer: A

To configure the client web browser to function with MS Proxy server, either use the browser's own configuration interface or, if you are using IE 4.0, run the Proxy Server Client Setup Program. Since Windows 3.x clients do not use IE 4.0, manual configuration of the client is required.

104. You are concerned that your MS Proxy Server is not performing at its peak. You wish to check performance but when you try to take a look at the Performance monitor Physical Disk counters you see 0's. Realizing this is not correct, what steps must be taken to get Performance Monitor to correctly report disk usage? (Choose all that apply)

A. From the Performance Monitor, select disk counters and follow the on-screen instructions to turn the disk counters on or off.
B. At a command prompt use the diskperf command to turn the disk counters on or off.
C. Restart the WEB and WinSock services from the Internet Service Manager, and then use Performance Monitor to view activity.
D. Restart the server computer, and then use Performance Monitor to view activity.

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Answer: B & D

To monitor disk activity, log on as a member of the Administrators group and activate disk counters from a command prompt with the diskperf -y command. Diskperf can be set for the local machine, or a remote computer with a UNC name. Be sure to reboot the computer after activating the disk counters, or counters will still register 0.

105. When using Performance Monitor to monitor MS Proxy services, you notice that your %CPU Usage is rather high averaging 90% usage. When looking further into the problem you notice that disk usage counters register zeros yet the drive is thrashing wildly. You remember that the "diskperf -y" command must be entered at the command line. After entering the command you notice that the disk counters still register zero. Realizing this is not correct, what step must be taken to get Performance Monitor to correctly report disk usage?

A. The Performance Monitor must be ended and restarted
B. Restart the server computer, and then use Performance Monitor to view activity
C. All Proxy services must be ended and restarted and then use Performance Monitor to view activity
D. Check the service pack level of the server and upgrade if necessary to Service Pack 4

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Answer: B

To monitor disk activity, log on as a member of the administrators group and activate disk counters from a command prompt with the diskperf command. Diskperf can be set for the local machine, or a remote computer with a UNC name. Be sure to reboot the computer after activating the disk counters, or counters will still register 0.

106. Your network has 1200 Windows 95 clients and 300 Windows NT Workstation clients. You would like to configure your MS Proxy Server for optimal caching. What should your cache size be set to?

A. 500MB
B. 750MB
C. 850MB
D. 1.5GB

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Answer: C

For optimal performance, allow 100MB of free disk space + 0.5MB for each proxy client for the proxy cache.

107. Your network has 1500 clients. You would like to properly configure your MS Proxy Server for optimal caching. What should your cache size be set to?

A. 500MB
B. 750MB
C. 850MB
D. 1.5GB

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Answer: C

For optimal performance, allow 100MB of free disk space + 0.5MB for each proxy client for the proxy cache.

108. Your network has 500 Windows NT Workstation clients and 100 Windows 95 clients. You would like to properly configure your MS Proxy Server for optimal caching. What should your cache size be set to?

A. 400MB
B. 500MB
C. 600MB
D. 1.2GB

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Answer: A

For optimal performance, allow 100MB of free disk space + 0.5MB for each proxy client for the proxy cache.

109. An Internet domain "" has an Internet IP address of What is the effect of a Domain Filter of "Denied" except to ""?

A. Access is granted to and IP address
B. Access is granted to but denied to IP address
C. Access is denied to and IP address
D. Access is denied to but granted to IP address

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Answer: A

With MS Proxy Server 2.0, you only need to specify a Domain address and not the Domain and IP address in the Domain filter. MS Proxy Server supports DNS lookups and DNS reverse resolution. MS Proxy Server 1.x required that you place both the Domain and Address for a Filter.

110. Which of the following services are used to configure Passive caching? (Choose all that apply)

A. SOCKS Proxy Properties
B. WinSock Proxy Properties
C. Web Proxy Properties
D. CERN Services

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Answer: C

The MS Web Proxy Service Properties dialog box includes choices for Active and Passive caching as well as advanced configuration options. Only Web Proxy supports Caching!

111. Which of the following services are used to configure Active caching? (Choose all that apply)

A. SOCKS Proxy Properties
B. WinSock Proxy Properties
C. Web Proxy Properties
D. CERN services

>> !

The MS Web Proxy Service Properties dialog box includes choices for Active and Passive caching as well as advanced configuration options. Only Web Proxy supports Caching!

112. When configuring WEB Proxy Cache, which of the following can accept and store the cached information? (Choose all that apply)

B. FAT16
C. FAT32

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Answer: D

Unlike Proxy Server 1.0, Proxy Server 2.0 requires an NTFS partition to store cached information. If your server only contains FAT partitions, sue the convert command from a command prompt. The syntax is: convert : /fs:NTFS

113. When configuring WEB Proxy Cache, which of the following CANNOT accept and store the cached information? (Choose all that apply)

B. FAT16
C. FAT32

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Answer: A, B & C

Unlike Proxy Server 1.0, Proxy Server 2.0 requires an NTFS partition to store cached information. If your server only contains FAT partitions, issue the convert command from a command prompt. The syntax is: convert : /fs:NTFS

114. What is the result of setting the cache size on a drive to 0?

A. The cached data will remain but caching is suspended
B. The cached data will be cleared and all caching is suspended
C. The cached data will be cleared and that drive is no longer used for caching
D. The drive is configured for maximum caching

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Answer: C

Setting the cache size to 0 does not allow any storage space for cached information. Any previously cached information will be deleted, clearing the cache. If the cache size is reduced for a drive or partition, some info may be deleted. Increasing the cache size allows for additional storage without affecting current data.

115. Which of the following object types can be cached? (Choose all that apply)

D. Gopher

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Answer: A & C

The Advanced Cache Policy dialog box allows you to set the Object Time To Live (TTL) for HTTP caching and FTP caching. HTTP options include 0 or a percentage of the time last modified information provided by the source. The FTP option allows you to type in a number of minutes to expire before objects are updated.

116. Your company accesses a web site that changes regularly each hour of the day. You are very concerned that the information presented to your clients be current and accurate. What caching option would ensure that commonly accessed information is optimally cached yet the information in cache is updated to reflect changed web information?

A. Use active caching and set the policy to reflect that faster user response is more important
B. Use Active caching and set the policy to reflect fewer network accesses are more important
C. Use Passive caching and set the cache expiration policy to reflect that updates are more important
D. Use passive caching and set the cache expiration policy to reflect that fewer network accesses are more important

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Answer: C

The "Cache Expiration Policy" section of the Web Proxy Server properties sets the "Freshness" of objects in the cache. In other words, the expiration options determine whether a local or remote copy is used. These options include: 1. Updates are more important, 2. Equal importance, 3. Fewer network accesses are more important. These options provide freshness of information with performance. In this scenario, accuracy of information is required. Selecting "Updates are more important" sacrifices user response for more frequent downloads.

117. Your company accesses a web site heavily which changes regularly each evening. You are very concerned that the information be current and accurate which is presented to your 2500 clients. What caching option would ensure that commonly accessed information is optimally cached yet the information in cache is updated to reflect changed web information each day?

A. Use Active caching and set the policy to reflect that faster user response is more important
B. Use Active caching and set the policy to reflect fewer network accesses are more important
C. Use Passive caching and set the cache expiration policy to reflect that updates are more important
D. Use Passive caching and set the cache expiration policy to reflect that fewer network accesses are more important

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Answer: A

In this scenario, information is updates at the remote site in the evening. During the remainder of the day, information is stable. Active caching processes information more quickly by downloading data during off-peak hours when network traffic is reduced. The cache manager automatically generates a request to update the infromation when the TTL is near expiration. Options for active caching include faster user response, equal importance, or fewer network accesses. To support a large number of clients with relatively stable information optimally, allow for more pre-fetching of information by selecting "Faster User Response."

118. You are setting up a multi-server environment and need to determine what configuration option may give you improved performance. What option do you select?

A. Distributed caching is accomplished by linking multiple Proxy Server computers together to form an array
B. Hierarchical caching, also known as chaining or cascaded proxying, is also accomplished by linking multiple Proxy Server computers together to form upstream caching
C. DNS Round-Robin server selection
D. All of the above options are valid performance enhancers

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Answer: D

To improve performance, use Hierarchical Caching or Chaining. Individual computers, arrays, or any combination thereof can be chained. Chained Proxy Server computers balance the load over several proxy servers by allowing them to communicate in an upstream, hierarchical fashion. The Proxy Server computer closest to a client computer is the most downstream computer, and the Proxy Server computer connected to the Internet is the most upstream computer. If an array of servers is chained, cache performance can be increased by distributing the load both across an array and hierarchically in a chain. Chaining is used to control routing requests and is supported by DNS, while an array is used for fault tolerance and security. Round-Robin server selection can also improve performance by allowing requests to be answered by the least busy server. If the information is already contained in the array, the array is the fastest method; if not already in the array, an upstream retrieval of information is faster. DNS round-robin is often used to add additional load balancing support to currently configured arrays.

119. You are administering an array of MS Proxy servers that are utilized on a network containing both TCP/IP and IPX/SPX clients. You choose to streamline your company by using only one protocol, namely TCP/IP. After reconfiguring all the proxy and network clients to utilize only TCP/IP, you start to finalize your new network scenario by removing IPX/SPX from the first server in the MS Proxy array. Because it is an array, are you required to remove the IPX protocol from each server or will array synchronization have taken care of it for you?

A. When IPX/SPX is removed from the first server, all other array members will synchronize automatically
B. When IPX/SPX is removed from the first server, all other array members will synchronize when MS Proxy is restarted
C. When IPX/SPX is removed from the first server, all other array members will synchronize when the first server is restarted
D. IPX/SPX must be removed manually from each server in the array leaving TCP/IP to support MS Proxy

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Answer: D

Array synchronization can only remove application level protocols such as HTTP, FTP, POP or RealAudio. Synchronization cannot remove system level protocols. IPX/SPX is a system level protocol. Tricky!

120. Which of the following MS Proxy Server services supports the configuration of "TCP" based applications? (Choose all that apply)

A. Web Proxy Services
B. WinSock Proxy Services
C. SOCKS Proxy Services
D. None of the above

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Answer: A, B & C

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. For each TCP connection the WinSock Proxy Service establishes a connection between the client application and the WinSock Proxy Service, and another connection between the WinSock Proxy Service and the Internet Application. All support TCP, only WinSock supports UDP.

121. Which of the following MS Proxy Server services support the configuration of "UDP" based applications?

A. Web Proxy Services
B. WinSock Proxy Services
C. SOCKS Proxy Services
D. None of the above

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Answer: B

The WinSock Proxy Service utilizes both an internal and an external (Internet) connection interface. When the UDP protocol is setup, the WinSock Proxy Service binds an UDP socket to a local port for the client and an Internet IP address.

122. Your company has implemented Internet access on their local network for Windows 95 and Windows NT clients via an MS Proxy WinSock service. The Windows 95 clients currently load their network connections with the 16bit VLM's and the Windows NT Workstation clients utilize Microsoft TCP/IP. Users report that the Windows 95 clients are unable to establish connections to the MS Proxy server yet the Windows NT Workstation clients connect successfully. If the MS Proxy Server supports both IPX and TCP/IP Proxy servicing, what option would successfully allow the Windows 95 clients to utilize IPX and MS Proxy Services to the Internet from the local Intranet?

A. Replace the VLM's with the 32bit IP network protocol and client drivers
B. Replace the VLM's with the 32bit IPX network protocol and client drivers
C. Utilize the WEB Proxy instead of the WinSock proxy
D. Replace the NT Workstation TCP/IP with Client Services for NetWare

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Answer: B

The WinSock Proxy Service does not support IPX for 16bit applications. In this scenario, the Windows 95 clients are using 16bit VLM's. Update the VLM's to 32bit protected mode 95 drivers like "Microsoft Client fopr NetWare" or "Novell IntranetWare 32 Client"

123. Your company has implemented Internet access on there local network for Windows 95 and Windows NT clients via a MS Proxy WinSock service. The Windows 95 clients and the Windows NT Workstation clients utilize Microsoft 32bit IPX protocol. Users report that the Windows 95 clients prompt the user to "Enter domain credentials" each time a new Windows Sockets application is launched. What can be done to resolve this problem?

A. Replace the Microsoft 32bit IPX protocol with the NetWare IPX protocol and reload the MS Proxy WinSock Client
B. Ensure all applications support Microsoft NT Challenge/Response
C. Leave the first application open and minimize it on the desktop
D. Ensure the user ID and password are correct

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Answer: C

With IPX, domain credential validation is required for each Windows Sockets application that is launched if there is not a currently active Windows socket application. Minimizing an application allows you to connect to other domain WinSock applications without revalidating the user account and password each time.

124. The event message "The WinSock Proxy service has denied client authentication." was returned and displayed to clients running Windows NT services or server applications by the WinSock Proxy service. What can be done? (Choose all that apply)

A. Verify that the account user name and password are current and correct
B. Verify that TCP/IP or IPX is bound to the proper network adapter card
C. Set the user account with a password that does not expire
D. Set the user account with a password that has expired

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Answer: A & C

The WinSock Proxy Service or server application MUST have a valid user name and password to work with the Proxy Server. Setting the option to never expire eliminates this problem. By default, the Proxy Service creates an account called IUSR_. You have to grant appropriate permissions to this account.

125. You change a client's local MSPLAT.TXT file because the LAT table downloaded from the server does not contain the correct information for the client to gain access to a server in the Intranet-work. You attempt to connect to the server defined in the modified client MSPLAT.TXT file and are successful. Later on that day the client reboots his system and is then unsuccessful in connecting to the same server. Why did this occur?

A. The MSPLAT.TXT file must be modified in a Proxy setup script for the client to retain settings
B. The client's MSPLAT.TXT file must be modified to specify a static entry to prevent losses
C. The client's MSPLAT.TXT file is overwritten by a fresh version downloaded from the server
D. The client's WinSock software must be reinstalled after a LAT modification

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Answer: C

The client MSPLAT.TXT file is automatically downloaded at regular intervals from the Proxy Server. If a client needs special configuration settings, create a LOCALLAT.TXT file in the MSPCLNT directory on the workstation. This enables to client to utilize both files.

126. You change a client's local MSPLAT.TXT file because the LAT table downloaded from the server does not contain the correct information for the client to gain access to a server in the Intranet-work. You attempt to connect to the server defined in the modified client MSPLAT.TXT file and are successful. Later on that day the client reboots his system and is then unsuccessful in connecting to the same server. When troubleshooting you realize that the server copy overwrote the client's copy. How can this be prevented in the future?

A. Create a custom LAT file named LOCALLAT.TXT, and place it in the client's MSPCLNT directory
B. Create a custom LAT file named MSPLAT.TXT, and place it in the client's MSPCLNT directory
C. Create a custom file named MSPCLNT.INI, and place it in the client's MSPCLNT directory
D. Add a static entry to the file named MSPLAT.TXT, and place it in the client's MSPCLNT directory

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Answer: A

The client MSPLAT.TXT file is automatically downloaded at regular intervals from the Proxy Server. If a client needs special configuration settings, create a LOCALLAT.TXT file in the MSPCLNT directory on the workstation. This enables to client to utilize both files.

127. Every time a Web browser is opened, you can optionally download a client configuration script located on the Proxy Server computer to the client computer to improve browser performance and to update browser configuration parameters. What is this script written in?

A. VBScript
C. JavaScript
D. Microsoft Batch File

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Answer: C

To improve routing performance and update browser configurations, a JavaScript configuration file can be downloaded from the Proxy Server to the client computers each time a Web browser is opened.

128. You have 200 MS Proxy clients. 150 use WEB proxy services and 50 use the WinSock proxy services. How many MS Proxy 2.0 CAL's or client access licenses are required?

A. 0
B. 50
C. 150
D. 200

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Answer: A

The MS Proxy Server product needs to be purchased from Microsoft. This is a 1 time purchase. Client licenses are not required.

129. You have 2000 MS Proxy clients utilizing an array of 4 MS Proxy servers. 1500 use WEB proxy services and 500 use the WinSock proxy services. How many MS Proxy 2.0 CAL's or client access licenses are required?

A. 0
B. 4
C. 2000
D. 4000

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Answer: A

The MS Proxy Server product needs to be purchased from Microsoft. This is a 1 time purchase. Client licenses are not required.

130. Your WWW service on your WEB server is set for Windows NT Challenge/Response and Allow Anonymous authentication. Your clients use Netscape Navigator for WEB browsing and report that they are continually prompted with the MS Windows Challenge/Response screen. What can you do to assist your users in quickly repairing this problem?

A. Disable anonymous authentication
B. Allow Basic Clear text authentication
C. Clear Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication
D. Replace Netscape Navigator with Internet Explorer 4.x

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Answer: B

To utilize client configuration scripts (JScripts) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) with NT Challenge / Response, you should use Internet Explorer 4.0 as your browser. If you want to use Netscape, select Basic Authentication. Option D would be the long term goal.