Certified Design Associate

1. What task does tag switching perform?

A. Assigns frames to multiprotocol tags
B. Swaps tags with multiprotocol frames
C. Assigns tags to multiprotocol frames
D. Switches tags with multiprotocol frames

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Answer: C

Assigns tags to multiprotocol frames. Tag Switching integrates routing at Network Layer 3 and Switching at Data Link layer 2 to provide scalable high-speed switching. With Tag Switching tags are assigned to multiprotocol frames. Packets are assigned a label that tells the switching node how data should be forwarded across the network.

2. Match the queuing type with the correct definition.

A. First In, First Out Queuing - Store and forward functionality
B. Priority Queuing -Fastest traffic processed first
C. Weighted Fair Queuing - Heavy bandwidth applications get run first
D. Single Option Open Queuing - First come, first served queuing
E. Custom Queuing - All custom applications run first

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Answer: A

First In, First Out Queuing - store and forward functionality The only queuing type that is correctly defined is First In, First Out Queuing . First In, First Out queuing provides store and forward functionality. Packets are stored when the network gets congested and then forwarded in the order in which they are received. Priority Queuing ensures that critical applications are processed first. Packets are prioritized according to several factors including protocol, packet size and address. Custom Queuing allows applications with different bandwidth requirements to share network resources. Weighted Fair Queuing uses algorithms that reduce delay variables and produce predictable network response time. Weighted Fair Queuing enables light and heavy network applications to run equally well without heavy bandwidth demands taking all the network resources from lighter applications.

3. Which Cisco IOS command identifies router CPU usage, including CPU time used by processes?

A. show version
B. show interface
C. show buffers
D. show processes

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Answer: D

4. Which Cisco IOS command checks buffer usage and buffer misses?

A. show interface
B. show version
C. show buffers
D. show processes

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Answer: C

5. Access lists can be used to control traffic on an internetwork. What statement is implied at the end of each access list?

A. process all
B. permit all
C. broadcast all
D. filter all
E. deny all

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Answer: E

The ordering of access lists on a router is extremely important. When a router receives a packet, it will test each packet against each criteria in the access list statements. Once a match is found, the processing stops and no more statements are checked for a match. If for some reason, the packet does not match any of the criteria, the packet with be blocked with the implicit "deny all" statement.

6. In order to increase router performance, where should the more likely matching paths be entered on a router access list?

A. Access lists should be designed with the more likely matching conditions at the bottom of the list.
B. Access lists should be designed with the more likely matching conditions at the top of the list.
C. The order is not important, all conditions are checked anyway.
D. Access lists should be designed with the more likely matching conditions in the middle of the list.

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Answer: B

Access lists should be designed with the more likely matching conditions at the top of the list. The Cisco IOS will test each access list from top to bottom until matching criteria is found. You should study your traffic flow and attempt to design the access lists with the criteria that will more than likely match at the top of the access list. If your router needs to check less conditions on the access list, then router performance will be enhanced.

7. Select the access lists with the correct range. (Choose all that apply)

A. IP extended = 100-199
B. AppleTalk zone = 500-699
C. IPX extended = 800-899
D. IPX standard = 700-799
E. IP standard = 1-99

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Answer: A & E

IP extended = 100-199 IP standard = 1-99 The IP access list numbers are correct. The correct access list numbers for AppleTalk zone are 600-699, IPX standard 800-899 and IPX extended, 900-999. Cisco IOS release 11.2 allows an alphanumeric name for IP access lists. To use this feature, type "ip-access-list" followed by the key word "standard" or "extended" followed by the list name that you choose.

8. How many classes of addresses are available for public use on the internet?

A. 3 classes
B. 4 classes
C. 2 classes
D. 1 class
E. None, there are no more addresses left

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Answer: A

There are currently 3 main classes of addresses available for public use on the Internet. Class A, Class B and Class C. Class D and Class E addresses are used for private TCP/IP organizational usage. Class A network addresses range from to The first byte, 1-126 are the available network addresses for Class A. The last 3 bytes (24 bits)are all the allowable host addresses. To determine the amount of hosts available for a Class A address, calculate 2 to the power of 24 (number of bits in the host address area). The result is that there are 16,777,214 host addresses available for a Class A internet address. Class B network addresses range from to The first byte, 128-191 are the available network addresses for Class B. The last 2 bytes (16 bits) are all the allowable host addresses. To determine the amount of hosts available for a Class B address, calculate 2 to the power of 16 (number of bits in the host address area). The result is that there are 65536 host addresses available for a Class B internet address.
Class C network addresses range from to The first byte, 191-223 are the available network addresses for Class C. The last byte (8 bits) are all the allowable host addresses. To determine the amount of hosts available for a Class C address, calculate 2 to the power of 8 (number of bits in the host address area). The result is that there are 255 host addresses available for a Class C internet address. Class D addresses ( are used for multicasting and Class E addresses ( are used for experimental purposes The address is used for local loopback and is not included in the internet addressing scheme.

9. What is flow control?

A. Assures information flows evenly across an internetwork.
B. Router buffer that sequentially packages frames and transmits one at a time.
C. Technique to ensure transmission does not overwhelm receiving station with data.
D. Controls network flow when utilization reaches 50% or more.
E. Physical port on Cisco 7000 series routers to assure electrical pulse modulation.

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Answer: C

Flow control is a technique that ensures that a transmitter does not overburden a receiving entity with data. As the receiving station buffers fill, a message is sent to the sending device to suspend transmission until the data in the buffers are processed at the receiving station.

10. What is the significance of J1 when provisioning for WAN networks? (Choose all that apply)

A. equal to a T1
B. equivalent to bit rate of 2.048 Mbps
C. equal to 30 DS0s
D. format used in Japan

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Answer: B, C & D

J1 is the Japanese format signaling standard for the equivalent of 2.048Mbps. Also, 2.048Mbps is equivalent to 30 DS0s. A T1 is equivalent to 1.544 Mbps and 24 DS0s.

11. ISDN PRI can be described as: (Choose all that apply)

A. 2B+B
B. 23B+D
C. 30B+D
D. 2B+D

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Answer: B & C

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a digital service that is offered by regional telephone companies in many parts of the world. ISDN supports video and voice as well as data transmissions. ISDN is used as a redundancy for critical network links as well as to provide an alternative to slower analog dialup lines for home users. In the United States ISDN Primary Rate Interface is used for business and contains 23B channels and one D channel. The European Standard for ISDN Primary Rate Interface is 30B channels and one D channel. Each B channel is equivalent to 64 Kbps and each D channel is equivalent to 16 Kbps.

12. What are seven layers of the OSI reference model?

A. Physical, Data Link, Network, Session, Transport, Presentation, Application.
B. Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Presentation, Session, Application.
C. Physical, Data Link, Network, Session, Transport, Application, Presentation.
D. Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application,
E. Data Link, Physical, Network, Transport, Session, Application, Presentation.

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Answer: D

The seven layers of the OSI reference model are Layer 1 Physical, Layer 2 Data Link, Layer 3 Network, Layer 4 Transport, Layer 5 Session, Layer 6 Presentation, Layer 7 Application.

13. What is the purpose of multiplexing?

A. To allow multiple physical signals to be transmitted at the same time across a single logical channel.
B. To allow multiple logical signals to be transmitted at the same time across a single physical channel.
C. To allow a logical signal to be transmitted across a single physical channel.
D. To allow a physical signal to be transmitted across a single logical channel.

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Answer: B

Multiplexing does allow multiple logical signals to be transmitted simultaneously across a single physical channel. T1 lines are very often multiplexed to provide appropriate bandwidth to applications and network components.

14. What major standards organization is responsible for the seven layer network reference model?


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Answer: D

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is responsible for the seven layer network reference model, referred to as the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) reference model. IOS is the acronym for the Internetwork Operating System from Cisco. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is a group that develops network standards. IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is a collection of groups that focus on developing Internet and TCP/IP standards.

15. What is the difference between data link addresses and network addresses?

A. They are both the same.
B. Network addresses are longer, Data Link addresses are shorter.
C. Data link addresses are physical addresses, Network addresses are logical addresses.
D. Network addresses are physical addresses, Data link addresses are logical addresses.
E. Data link addresses are valid for Token Ring, Network addresses are valid for Ethernet.

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Answer: C

Both Data Link addresses and Network addresses are needed to provide connectivity throughout an internetwork. Data link addresses are physical addresses and are provided in a frame format for transmission across a network. Network addresses are logical addresses that are sent in a packet format for network node address resolution and routing functions.

16. What protocol is used to map an IP address to a MAC address?


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Answer: E

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the internet protocol that is used to map an IP address to a MAC address. ARP is defined in RFC #826.

17. Which protocol is connection oriented and reliable?


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Answer: B

TCP is a connection-oriented, reliable protocol that provides full-duplex data transmission.

18. What is one main difference between a TCP segment format and a UDP segment format?

A. UDP does not have a checksum field.
B. TCP does not have a checksum field.
C. TCP has a sequence number field, UDP does not.
D. UDP has a sequence number field, TCP does not.
E. They are both basically the same except for field length.

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Answer: C

TCP provides a sequence number field for data acknowledgement. If there is no acknowledgement, then the fields are retransmitted. UDP has no sequence number field, and does not acknowledge data sent.

19. In internetworking terms, what is (an) ABR?

A. Autonomous Border Routing
B. Area Border Router
C. Autonomous Border Router
D. Area Border Routing

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Answer: B

An area border router connects OSPF areas to a backbone network. Another acronym for ABR is available bit rate.

20. In internetworking terms, what is (an) ADSL?

A. Asynchronous Digital Subscription Line
B. Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line
C. Asymetrix Digital Subscriber Line
D. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

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Answer: D

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a technology that provides higher bandwidth from network provider to the end user than from the end user to the network provider.

21. In internetworking terms, what is (a) BGP?

A. Boarder Gateway Protocol
B. Baseline Gateway Protocol
C. Baseline Gateway Process
D. Border Gateway Protocol

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Answer: D

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is a routing protocol that has replaced Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) as the standard exterior routing internet protocol.

22. In internetworking terms, what is (a) FIFO?

A. First In, First Or
B. First In, First Out
C. Fall In, Fall Out
D. First In, Last Out

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Answer: B

First In, First Out (FIFO) is a method used to describe the method for sending data. The first data packet in, is the first packet sent out.

23. In internetworking terms, what is (an) TDR?

A. Thin Domain Request
B. Time Domain Registry
C. Tuning Domain Registry
D. Time Domain Reflectometer
E. Tuning Domain Register

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Answer: D

Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) is a network diagnostic device that sends a signal through a network medium component, usually a cabling to check for continuity and isolate physical network problems.

24. An IP datagram reserves how many bits for a source IP address?

A. 30 bits
B. 24 bits
C. 8 bits
D. 32 bits
E. 16 bits

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Answer: D

An IP datagram reserves 32 bits for the source IP address and 32 bits for the destination IP address. (Example 11000000 00000001 00000111 01000000 =

25. When characterizing a customers network, what will be some of your major concerns? (Choose all that apply)

A. anticipated network growth
B. legacy systems connected to the internetwork
C. business culture
D. local weather patterns

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Answer: A, B & C

If the network will grow in scale or user base, it's important to include design specification that take the anticipated growth into consideration. Also, legacy systems and applications, especially mainframe applications that may require different network capabilities should be considered. Finally, the business culture of a company is always important as it will frequently be a template for the internetwork design. Local weather patterns generally will not be a major concern.

26. Time to convergence is the time it takes to update all routers with a consistent view of the internetwork. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose all that apply)

A. RIP is CP and memory intensive.
B. RIP is easy on the link, heavy on the router; OSPF is light on the router, heavy on the links.
C. OSPF is CPU and memory intensive.
D. OSPF is easy on the link, heavy on the router; RIP is light on the router, heavy on the links.

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Answer: C & D

OSPF is CPU and memory intensive. OSPF is easy on the link, heavy on the router; RIP is light on the router, heavy on the links. Using OSPF as the routing protocol uses a lot of router memory, but fewer links have to be remembered. The opposite is true for RIP.

27. You've noticed that while looking at Ethernet network statistics, there were two points during the day that utilization rose to 70% for approximately 20 minutes each time. Should you be concerned?

A. 70% is ok for Ethernet, especially if it's peak traffic.
B. 70% is saturation point for Ethernet, you should be concerned.
C. 40% is saturation point for Ethernet, but it should be ok.
D. 40% is saturation point for Ethernet, and you should investigate further.

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Answer: D

Performance can be affected on Ethernet segments if the utilization is at or above 40% for extended periods of time.

28. How does the corporate structure of a business and the internetwork design relate?

A. Not at all alike
B. Very similar
C. Very dissimilar
D. Not yet researched
E. Exact duplicates

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Answer: B

The business culture will directly affect the internetwork design. An example of this would be the network designed to accommodate remote users that work from home. Also, messaging needs would be different if all users were allowed to communicate to anyone in the organization. A more hierarchical business culture may restrict messaging access or limit the amount of users connecting from home offices.

29. Networks can be so extensive and time consuming to analyze that if you don't have the time to perform a baseline analysis of the existing structure, what should you do?

A. Change the legal contract to assure that you are not liable for network design flaws.
B. Meet with the current network staff to discuss their ideas of the current network.
C. Estimate based on historical data.
D. Analyze the backbone segments and any other critical areas.

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Answer: D

The first choice, changing the legal contract may be a consideration if you feel that you do not have enough information to accurately assess the network and the companies business needs. But generally, you should be able to get an overview of the health of the existing network by analyzing the backbone segments of the network. Meeting with the current staff to discuss ideas about the current network would probably prove a waste of time due to the subjective view based on their technical ability and day to day responsibilities. Estimating based on historical data can be dangerous since more than likely the network load or physical infrastructure has changed since the historical data was gathered.

30. How do you calculate the CRC error rate?

A. Divide the total number of CRC errors by the total number of MBs transmitted.
B. CRC error rate is the total number of errors.
C. Divide the number of MAC layer errors divided by the total number of MBs transmitted.
D. Divide the total number of CRC errors by the total number of frames transmitted.

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Answer: A

When two stations on an Ethernet network attempt to send a frame at the same time, a collision occurs and the result of the damaged frames cause Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors. CRC error rate is determined by dividing the total number of CRCs (Cyclic Redundancy Check) characters by the total number of MBs transmitted, it is not the total number of errors reported. If you divide the number of MAC layer errors by the total number of MBs transmitted, you will get the MAC-layer error rate.

31. What Cisco product enables fulltime monitoring of network traffic?

A. Cisco IOS
B. Cisco NetFlow
C. CiscoWorks
D. Network Associates Sniffer

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Answer: B

Cisco's NetFlow is the fulltime monitoring tool that will collect detailed statistics on your internetwork. Cisco IOS is the Internetworking Operating System software that enabled configuration for your Cisco network component. CiscoWorks does monitor device status and will enable network personnel to troubleshoot internetworking problems. Network Associates' Sniffer although a network analysis tool, is not a Cisco product.

32. You are monitoring network traffic on your customer's IP network. What would be a useful filter to configure on your IP network to determine types of traffic?

A. IP bandwidth
B. IP traffic by address
C. bandwidth allocation by TCP or UDP applications
D. IPX traffic allocation
E. DDP allocation of frames

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Answer: C

When there are major protocols running on the customer's network such as IP, you may want to assess the bandwidth used by routing protocols, TCP-based applications, and UDP-based applications.

33. What is the first step when characterizing a customer's network?

A. Meet with the client
B. Present your services and rates, and be sure they sign the contract
C. Get advice and direction from current network staff
D. Gather information about current network applications

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Answer: D

Gathering information about the customers current network applications is the first step when you characterize a customer's network. Although it's important to establish a good working relationship with the current network staff, getting advice from them may be something that is better left for another time. Both A and B are assumed. You would have already met with the client and the contract should already be signed if you are at the stage of characterizing their network.

34. Which network applications run over UDP? (Choose all that apply)


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Answer: A, B & C

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) does not offer windowing or flow control. The applications that run on top of UDP include: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) : port 161 Remote-procedure call (RPC) : port 111 Domain Name Server (DNS) : port 53.

35. Define latency when working with network performance.

A. network performance problems that come up at a later time.
B. network problems that are hidden and come out during network overload.
C. time between network implementation and problem diagnosis.
D. time between a frame being ready for transmission and the successful transmission.
E. late enhancements to network protocol queuing.

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Answer: D

Latency is another name for network delay. The network delay is the time it takes from a frame being ready for network transmission until the time that the transmission is successful. Latency, or network delay is a function of a great deal of factors including protocol, media and network design.

36. When planning an enterprise network, which traffic is most important?

A. local traffic
B. all network traffic
C. backbone traffic
D. non local traffic

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Answer: B

All network traffic patterns are important. You will need to consider all geographical user groups and usage patterns to accurately design an enterprise network.

37. Why would you be concerned about a customer's current network addressing scheme when putting together your network design?

A. For political reasons, not to upset the network administrator.
B. The cost of the project will be impacted.
C. You shouldn't be concerned, it doesn't matter.
D. Current addressing used may limit scalability.

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Answer: D

When characterizing your customer's existing network, it's important to document the current addressing schemes that are in place. It's possible that network protocols addressing assignments or schemes may limit the future scalability of the network.

38. What is MTBF?

A. Mixed Tunneling Burst Failure
B. Mean Time Before Failure
C. Modular Transmission Bit Frame
D. Mean Time Between Failure
E. Microwave Transmission Burst Framing

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Answer: D

MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure is used to describe the mean time between failures on a network segment or computer related device.

39. What features are provided by the Cisco PIX implementation? (Choose all that apply)

A. conceals internal network architecture from internet traffic
B. secure access to the internet
C. Network Address Translation (NAT) capability
D. extensive configuration parameters
E. free Cisco upgrades to future PIX implementations

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Answer: A, B & C

Some of the features of Cisco's Private Internet Exchange Firewall (PIX Firewall) are protecting internal network architecture from internet traffic, allows secure access to the internet ,and customer's can take advantage of a larger address pool for IP addressing schemes with Network Address Translation (NAT).

40. When analyzing a customer's existing network, how would you define a protocol's relative usage vs absolute usage?

A. Relative usage is relative, absolute usage is also relative.
B. Relative usage is in relation to another protocols usage, absolute usage is in relation to the total media bandwidth amount.
C. Relative usage is when your uncle uses it, absolute usage is something else.
D. Relative usage is in relation to the total media bandwidth amount, absolute usage is in relation to another protocols usage.

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Answer: B

When you characterize an existing network and are using a network analyzer to gather protocol statistics, relative protocol usage is in relation to the other protocols on the network segment. Absolute protocol usage is in relation to the total amount of bandwidth available.

41. What are some of the tasks that you will do to characterize your customers network? (Choose all that appjy)

A. Identify bottlenecks
B. Determine if network growth will cause problems in the future
C. Allow design considerations for any legacy systems
D. Realize that non-technical issues may place limitations on your network design

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Answer: A, B, C & D

All the answers are part of characterizing a customer's network. Identify bottlenecks in the current network design, look at future growth of the current network especially taking a look a legacy systems and their impact on day to day operations. Also non-technical issues such as corporate politics and budget can and will greatly influence your network design.

42. When characterizing a customer's network, why it is important that you know the depth of technical understanding that the customer has with the proposed design? (Choose all that apply)

A. Because you want to be able to sell them as much as possible at the same time.
B. It's important to know if the customer has a specific technology that they believe will solve all problems with the current network design.
C. So you can possibly skim over important details that the client may need to know, but wouldn't know if they were missing.
D. You'll want to be able to talk to the customer at their level of understanding without insulting or completely confusing them with technical details.

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Answer: B & D

It will be very important to understand the customer's technical expertise. You'll want to be able to talk to the customer at their level of understanding without insulting or completely confusing them with technical details. Also, it's important to know if the customer has a specific technology that they believe will solve all problems with the current network design. With this information, you can design a solution that will assure success for you and your customer.

43. What tool would you use to determine LOCAL traffic on the customer's network?

A. protocol analyzer
B. local-only mode server
C. local-only mode client
D. traceroute
E. ping and telnet

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Answer: A

A protocol analyzer will be the tool to determine local traffic, or any traffic on the customer's network. Traceroute and ping are excellent troubleshooting tools, and telnet will allow remote access to work on systems, but they will not provide detailed analysis of network traffic.

44. When identifying performance requirements for your customer's network, how would you describe "availability"?

B. Percentage of time network is available as set by network administrators
C. Criteria for employee bonuses
D. Network throughput statistics

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Answer: A

Since you are identifying performance requirements, you are investigating availability as the amount of time that the network is available which can be described as Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF).